The Center for

Missional Engagement

Engaging our churches in corporate missions through strategic opportunities in Texas and around the world without duplicating the role of traditional mission-sending agencies.


Pre-packaged mission experiences mobilizing student youth groups in disaster recovery, community rehabilitation, and church planting.

Church Planting Centers

A Church Planting Center is a residency of current and potential church planters with the purpose of assessing, equipping, coaching, mentoring and resourcing them to start new Texas Baptist Churches and ministries.

Church Starting

Planting and replanting churches, offering resources in funding training, media, counseling, retirement, and architecture, as well as similar resources for church mergers.

Community Missions

We help your church make an impact in your community through missional engagement

Missionary Adoption Program

Partnering churches in the US with churches in a host country to jointly sponsor a missionary. These missionaries focus on evangelism, discipleship and church planting.

Multi-housing and House Church Planting

Reach out to people living in apartment complexes, mobile home parks and dormitories by equipping leaders for ministries in those types of living environments.

Philippi Church Prison Ministry

A Philippi church is a group of prisoners who pray, worship God and testify to the love and power of God within the prisons like Paul and Silas did during their time of imprisonment.

River Ministry and Mexico Missions

Connecting churches to specific mission projects on the border and in Mexico to fulfill 3 priorities: evangelism, leadership development, and family.

TXB Missionaries

These missionaries are appointed by the Baptist General Convention of Texas after a proper background check and screening.

Missions Partnerships

Download this list of formal and informal partnerships with conventions, unions and local churches organized by city, state and country. 

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Let us know and we will consult with you about anything from volunteer opportunities to church planting to partnering with missionaries.