The Texas Adopted Plan, which churches are encouraged but not required to use, directs 79 percent of Cooperative Program receipts from churches to the missions, ministries and institutions in the BGCT Cooperative Program budget as listed on the back of the giving form. BGCT churches support 23 institutions meeting human and educational needs and some of the largest mission and ministry efforts of any state convention. Most of these ministries receive no support from any other state or national convention. Texas is growing at an unprecedented rate, and the unchurched make up the fastest growing segment of the population. Now is the time to strengthen BGCT missions, ministries and institutions.
The Texas Adopted Plan sends the remaining 21 percent to worldwide missions and ministries. Each church decides where the worldwide portion of its gifts will be sent, such as to the Southern Baptist Convention, BGCT worldwide efforts and/or other Baptist causes. A church can choose one or more of these causes. The BGCT respects the decision of the church.
On the giving form there is a place to inform the BGCT where each church’s worldwide funds will go. If a church does not instruct the BGCT financial office where to send its mission gifts, the church will be contacted. The BGCT does not assume where the worldwide funds are to be distributed. This is always a local church decision.
A church sometimes chooses another giving option rather than the Texas Adopted Plan. The “Church Designed Cooperative Giving Plan” section on the giving form provides for different divisions of funds. Additionally, a church may exclude up to five line items from the budget and maintain giving through the Cooperative Program. Regardless of how a church decides to divide its funds between the BGCT Cooperative Program and some other Baptist entity, that church’s requests will be honored. The BGCT recognizes the freedom of churches to direct their giving.
We want to avoid any criticism of the way we administer this liberal gift. For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of men.
– 2 Corinthians 8:20-21 (NIV)