Cooperative Program

The Texas Baptists Cooperative Program is a way of combining resources to enable more missions, evangelism and ministry throughout Texas and around the world.

The Cooperative Program Explained

Working through a missions co-op allows people to pool their resources and talents to feed more hungry people, start more churches, fund more missionaries, reach more people in prisons, clothe more needy and share the hope of Christ with more people who so desperately need to hear it.

It’s more than just financial. Through a missions co-op not only are financial gifts combined to do more but so are mission trips that help us be the hands and feet of Christ while sharing His love. When the 2 million Texas Baptists work together, more people are touched and the duplication of efforts is decreased, enabling more cooperative missions around the state, nation and world. Furthermore, by focusing on key locations, entire areas can be reached through constant relationship building and mission work.

It is doing missions cooperatively to reach more people with Christ’s message of hope.

You give a percentage of your income to your church. Your church gives a percentage of its budget through the BGCT Cooperative Program. This money is combined with money from the other 5,600 churches cooperating with the BGCT and funds the missions, evangelism and ministry efforts approved annually by the convention.

Each church can choose how the money it gives through the Cooperative Program will be designated. The BGCT messengers adopted a default budget allocation of 79% / 21% breakdown. This means that 79% of the money your church gives stays at work in Texas and 21% goes to the international missions partner of your choice ( SBC, BGCT). However, your church can choose whichever percentage breakdown God is leading you to give.

Where it goes

In short, it goes to missions, evangelism and ministry.

The long version is, it goes to a myriad of missions, evangelism and ministry projects that are compiled into an annual budget and then approved by the Executive Board and then the Convention as a whole.

Budgets and Reports Mission & Vision Guide Formulario para ofrendas

Need more information about the Cooperative Program and how your church can participate in minsitry far beyond your community?