“I am thankful to be supported by an organization that is as on fire to minister as I am.”
"It helped things feel more normal.”
"People are hearing the Gospel more than ever in human history thanks to technology and the circumstances we find ourselves using it in."
During the second week of March, 168 middle school and high school students and group leaders from eight churches across Texas served in Waco, TX, through BOUNCE Student Disaster Recovery.
“If you’re still alive, you can do something for the Lord. We might not know how much time we have left, but the time we do have we’re going to use glorifying Him.”
Last year, Cedar Grove was an outstanding giver to the CP, and according to Senior Pastor Freddy Mason, the church has no intention of slowing down.
This winter, a group of 13 students from four Texas universities spent their Christmas break on a music and missions journey in the Middle East.
In the fall of 2018, Tarleton State University senior Garrett Kirchner felt God begin to call him to college ministry. With his graduation nearing in December of that year, Kirchner prayed that God would show him where to go and how to get there.
As BSM celebrates its 100th anniversary, take a look at the history of BSM and how it they continues to transform college students across Texas.
The Hispanic Evangelism Team of Texas Baptists will host the Hispanic Evangelism Conference at First Baptist Church of Corpus Christi on Nov. 8-9. The event will begin at 7 p.m. on Nov. 8 and conclude at 2 p.m. on Nov. 9.