2,030 messengers and visitors gathered in Waco Nov. 10-12 to take part in the 139th Annual Meeting of the Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT). The theme, drawn from Luke 4:18-19, focused on “His Kingdom Agenda.”
On Sunday evening, Nov. 10, the African American Fellowship Worship Rally took place at Carver Park Baptist Church in Waco. The rally is one of several held in conjunction with the opening of the 2024 Texas Baptists Annual Meeting.
During the Tuesday morning business and worship session of the 2024 Texas Baptists Annual Meeting, messengers considered two motions and one resolution, filled the remaining Convention officer positions, heard the President’s Address and worshiped and prayed together.
The African American Fellowship Conference took place July 19-20 at Cornerstone Baptist Church of Killeen in Harker Heights, TX. The theme of the conference was “Legacy.”
1,900 messengers and visitors gathered in McAllen July 16-18 to take part in Texas Baptists’ Family Gathering, the 138th Annual Meeting of the Baptist General Convention of Texas.
Do you believe this evening that God has called each and every one of us to be a part of the business of the calling to go out and to make disciples of every people group?
Messengers also heard a brief update on the search for an executive director, a financial report, introduced motions, and approved nominations for committees.
"My challenge to you is don’t just talk and don’t just think, but act upon what God has put in your heart.”
“It’s a way to provide churches with a resource to show during the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday if they want that access,”