2015 State Youth Bible Drill and Speakers’ Tournament winners named

by Leah Reynolds on May 6, 2015 in News

Eighty-seven youth representing 35 churches competed in the Texas Baptist State Youth Bible Drill and Speaker's Tournament May 1 and 2 at the Baptist Building in Dallas.

Prior to the competition, students competed in one of the five regional events across the state. For 2015, there were 827 participants in Bible Drill and Speaker's Tournaments from 109 churches competing in the regional events. The highest-scoring youth from those events then traveled to Dallas for the state competition.

State winners include:

Youth Bible Drill (7 – 9th grades)

1st Place - Tie - William Horton, First Baptist Church in Dallas and Neil Haas, First Baptist Church in Carrollton

2nd Place - Michael Shaw, First Baptist Church in Allen

High School Bible Drill (10 – 12th grades)

1st Place - Tie - Rebekah Evans, St. Matthew Missionary Baptist Church in Dallas and Katie Davidson, First Baptist Church in Allen

2nd Place - Tie - Christopher Benner, First Baptist Church in Bryan and Rachel Mathes, First Baptist Church in Carrollton

Youth Speakers' Tournament (10 – 12th grades)

1st Place- Hannah Mathes, First Baptist Church in Carrollton

2nd Place - Taryn Smith, First Baptist Church in Allen

Based on tiebreakers, Neil Haas and Rebekah Evans will represent Texas Baptists in the National Youth and High School Bible Drills. Hannah Mathes will compete in the National Speakers' Tournament. These events will be held at First Baptist Church in Kingsland, Georgia, on June 19.

Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.

The ministry of the convention is made possible by giving through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions, Texas Baptists Worldwide and Texas Baptist Missions Foundation. Thank you for your faithful and generous support.

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