2024 Messengers consider miscellaneous business, celebrate 100 years of Cooperative Program

by Jessica King on November 12, 2024 in News

During the Tuesday morning business and worship session of the 2024 Texas Baptists Annual Meeting, messengers considered two motions and one resolution, filled the remaining Convention officer positions, heard the President’s Address and worshiped and prayed together.

First Baptist Burleson’s 317 Collective led worship, and Ronny Marriott, pastor of First Baptist Church Richardson and president of Texas Baptists, gave his President’s Address out of John 17:20-23, calling for unity among diversity for Texas Baptists

Following his address, Julio Guarneri, Texas Baptists executive director, led attendees in a time of prayer for God’s kingdom to come to the nations. 

Messengers consider miscellaneous business, 100th-anniversary cooperative program resolution

During the Committee on Annual Meeting Report, David Lorenz, pastor of First Baptist Friendswood and chair of the committee, introduced two motions that were brought to the floor during the Monday morning business session for consideration and vote. Lorenz noted the committee took the privilege to choose the order in which the motions were considered.

The first motion to be considered was brought by Steve Vernon, messenger from First Baptist Church Belton. He moved to authorize the Executive Board to review and act on behalf of the Convention regarding the change of the Baptist University of the Américas’ status from a single-member corporation to a nonmember corporation as registered with the Secretary of State through its certificate of Formation.

Vernon spoke in favor of the motion. There were none to speak against the motion, and the motion passed.

The second motion considered by messengers was brought by Jeff Williams, messenger from First Baptist Church Denton. His motion read: “I move that the Baptist General Convention of Texas affirm the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message.”

Williams spoke in favor of the motion. After extended discussion, the motion was defeated.

Wesley Shotwell, chair of the Committee on Resolutions, brought a single resolution for consideration by messengers. Jordan Villanueva, committee member and assistant to the president for Hispanic Relations at Howard Payne University, read the resolution on the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Cooperative Program

“Texas Baptists recognize that the work of the Great Commission and Great Commandments is too big for any one local church and are grateful to God for the past 100 years of partnership mission through the Cooperative Program since 1925,” the resolution read. “We ask Almighty God to lead and bless our efforts to pursue His Kingdom Agenda for His glory through the Cooperative Program until our Lord Jesus Christ returns.”

The resolution passed.

Additional Convention officers elected, other business

Bill Arnold, former president of Texas Baptist Mission Foundation, was elected secretary of the corporation. Steve Vernon, messenger from First Baptist Church Belton, nominated Arnold. 

Michael Evans, Sr., pastor of the Bethlehem Baptist Church in Mansfield, was elected registration secretary. Edward Wagner, messenger from Cornerstone Baptist Church in Harker Heights, nominated Evans. 

Arnold and Evans were unopposed.

David Cozart, registration secretary, reported on Convention attendance. At the close of registration on Tuesday at 10 a.m., 2,030 attendees from 470 churches—1,236 messengers and 794 guests—attended the three-day meeting in Waco.

Lorenz moved on behalf of the committee that the 2027 Annual Meeting be held at Green Acres Baptist Church in Tyler, on Nov. 14-16. The motion passed.

David Butts, chair of the Memorials Committee, gave a report followed by scripture reading and a video was shown of Texas Baptists who have gone to be with the Lord since the last Annual Meeting.

Following Marriott’s President’s Address, Guarneri recognized the incoming institutional leaders and Texas Baptists’ officers. 

Incoming Institutional Leaders are Donna Hedgepath, president, Wayland Baptist University; Chris Lancaster, Baylor Scott & White, Hillcrest. Incoming officers of the convention are Ronny Marriott, president; Debbie Potter, first vice president; Joseph Adams, second vice president; Bill Arnold, secretary of the corporation; Michael Evans, Sr., registration secretary. 

Eric Bruntmyer, president of Hardin-Simmons University, formally invited everyone to the 2025 Annual Meeting to be held in Abilene on Nov. 16-18. 

Lester Leonares, teaching elder, First Philippine Baptist Church in Missouri City, led the benediction and the meeting was adjourned. 

Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.

The ministry of the convention is made possible by giving through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions, Texas Baptists Worldwide and Texas Baptist Missions Foundation. Thank you for your faithful and generous support.

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