2024 Messengers elect officers, adopt increased budget ‘guided by faith and stewardship’

by Jessica King on November 11, 2024 in News

During the Monday morning business and worship session of the 2024 Texas Baptists Annual Meeting, messengers elected Convention officers, heard reports, passed recommendations and introduced motions. 

East Texas Baptist University’s Lampsato Worship Band led worship, and Meghan Hendrickson, Baptist Student Ministry director at Dallas Baptist University, brought a message from Matthew 13.

Convention officers elected

Ronny Marriott, pastor of First Baptist Church in Richardson, was elected president of the Convention. Marriott assumed the role of Convention president in September 2023 after Julio Guarneri, then Convention president, was elected executive director.

Marriott was elected first vice president in July 2023 at the Texas Baptists Family Gathering. He served as second vice president from 2022 to 2023.

David Lowrie, messenger for First Baptist Church in Decatur, nominated Marriott.

Debbie Potter, children’s pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in San Antonio, was elected first vice president of the Convention. She, too, assumed that role in September 2023 after being elected second vice president earlier that same year.

Dennis Wiles, messenger for First Baptist Church in Arlington, nominated Potter. 

Marriott and Potter were unopposed and were elected following a vote by the 1,094 messengers in attendance at the Waco Convention Center.

Two individuals were nominated for the role of second vice president. Joseph Adams, pastor of First Baptist Church in Hughes Springs, was nominated by Clint Davis, messenger from First Baptist Church in Mt. Pleasant.

Adam Pardue, pastor of Highland Baptist Church in Lubbock, was nominated by Jason Burden, messenger from First Baptist Church in Lubbock.

Results of the balloted vote for second vice president were announced at the conclusion of the business and worship session. Joseph Adams won the vote, 446 to 290, and was elected second vice president for the 2024-2025 term.

Executive Board report

Bobby Contreras, chair of the Executive Board, gave an update on three major actions taken by the Board since the Texas Baptists Family Gathering in July 2023.

The Executive Board approved the 2023 proceedings of the 138th annual session at the Texas Baptists Family Gathering on July 16-18 in McAllen, approved the recommendation from the Executive Director Search Committee to elect Guarneri as executive director and approved the recommendation to endorse a resolution affirming the succession of Convention officers following Guarneri’s election.

Contreras also reported on other business considered by the board, including receiving a report and recommendations from the Convention’s Sexual Abuse Task Force, an accommodation to the Valley Baptist Mission of Education Center (VBMEC) to borrow an amount greater than 20% of the net assets of the Center, resourcing women in ministry in accord with the 2023 Annual Meeting motion, the appointment of the Residency Task Force following a recommendation from the 2022 Annual Meeting and approving recommendations to fill vacancies on various institution boards and committees.

Treasurer’s report

Ward Hayes, treasurer and CFO for Texas Baptists, provided a financial report celebrating the “blessings that [God] has bestowed upon us.”

He noted that Cooperative Program giving for 2023 was “steady at 98% of prior year level.” Mission offerings for Lottie Moon and Texas Baptist Hunger Offering were up, while Mary Hill Davis, Annie Armstrong and Worldwide were slightly lower. Cooperative Program expenditures were below budget due to careful stewardship. Texas Baptists’ cash and investments totaled $248 million at the close of 2023, a $22 million increase from the prior year.

Through September of 2024, Hayes shared that Cooperative Program giving was at 101% of the prior year, investments were up 10% year to date and net assets had increased by $28 million.

Outlining the 2025 proposed budget, Hayes pointed to a total budgeted revenue of $45.3 million, which is 102% of the 2024 budget. Per Hayes, the “strategic proposed budget increase” reflects the Convention’s vision and is “guided by faith and stewardship.”

Expenses in the new year included health insurance costs and increased investments in the GC2 Initiative, Church Starting, Baptist Student Ministry, Theological Education and each of five Ministry Centers.


Following the financial report, Executive Board recommendations were considered by messengers. 

The proposed 2025 budget of $36.7 million was adopted, as was the percentage allotment of the adopted budget at 79% BGCT and 21% Worldwide, with each church selecting the recipients of the Worldwide.

The proposed 2025 allocation of $1.1 million in Texas Baptists Worldwide Missions Initiatives and Partnerships was also adopted.

Messengers adopted a recommendation related to the formation of a Texas Baptists Insurance Program and a recommendation to adopt the restated articles of incorporation of Valley Baptist Missions and Education Center.

Miscellaneous business

Following worship, two motions were received from the floor during miscellaneous business.

Jeff Williams, messenger from First Baptist Church in Denton, moved that “the Baptist General Convention of Texas affirm the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message.” The motion was seconded.

Steve Vernon, messenger from First Baptist Church in Belton, moved that the BGCT “authorize the Executive Board to review and act on its behalf regarding the change of the Baptist University of the Américas status, from a single member corporation to a non-member corporation as registered to the Secretary of State through its certificate of formation.” That motion was also seconded.

The motions will be brought to the floor during the second business session on Tuesday morning.

Other business included the approval of nominations from the Committee on Committees, the Committee on Nominations for Boards of Affiliated Ministries and the Committee to Nominate Executive Board Directors.

Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.

The ministry of the convention is made possible by giving through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions, Texas Baptists Worldwide and Texas Baptist Missions Foundation. Thank you for your faithful and generous support.

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