Bits 4 Bites raised money for Hunger Offering through live-streaming

by Texas Baptists Communications on August 16, 2021 in News

David Sanchez, director of Ethics and Justice for the Christian Life Commission (CLC), raised $2,736 for the Texas Baptists Hunger Offering during a two-day Twitch streaming event.

During the COVID-19 lockdown, Sanchez, like many others, turned to Twitch for entertainment. Twitch, a live-streaming service that focuses on video game live-streaming, gives gamers the opportunity to play their favorite games in front of a live audience. In addition, people can choose to donate to their favorite streamers to support their content. His channel began gaining followers, and soon Sanchez’s channel was getting revenue from people who subscribed to his channel. Sanchez knew that he and his family did not need the extra money, so he began giving his streaming revenue to the Hunger Offering, which works to support ministries as they feed hungry people and help people escape poverty.

“A lot of streamers take their revenue and put it into better gear for streaming, new video games, etc. It's their livelihood and so that makes sense. But for me, it didn't feel right during this time of great need to do that, especially since I already have an amazing job with the CLC. So instead, I was looking for a way to be a light for Christ on Twitch. The Hunger Offering became the obvious choice,” Sanchez explained.

Building off of that momentum, Sanchez held a two-day streaming event on Aug. 5-6 called “Bits 4 Bites” aimed at raising $1,000 for the Hunger Offering. He played classic video games like Mario and Sonic and also played two-player games with his wife and daughter. Bits 4 Bites was a success, raising a total of $2,736 for the Offering.

The donations came from a variety of sources, including Sanchez’s church, Meadowridge Community Baptist Church, as well as Texas Baptists staff, friends and family, and the Twitch community. Sanchez explained that the donations from the Twitch community mostly came from people who had not previously interacted with Texas Baptists, and who may not even be believers. He saw God’s hand in the people who were drawn to donate to the Offering.

The Texas Baptist Hunger Offering disperses funds to over 100 hunger relief and development ministries across Texas and around the world.

“I am thankful to David Sanchez for his constant support and excitement for the mission and work of the Hunger Offering! Bits 4 Bites reminds us that our interests and hobbies are opportunities to serve the Lord in innovative ways,” Katie Fruge, director of the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering, said. “The Hunger Offering is the creative vision of Texas Baptists and, for over 25 years, has helped provide sustainable support to complex issues. Bits 4 Bites captures the imaginative spirit of the offering and will help a new generation of Texas Baptists get excited about ways we can have fun and work together against food insecurity and poverty in the spirit of Matthew 25.”

Sanchez plans to host future Bits 4 Bites events following the success of the first one. To stay up-to-date on future events and learn about the effect the Hunger Offering is having around the world, subscribe to the CLC Today and Hunger Offering newsletters at

Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.

The ministry of the convention is made possible by giving through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions, Texas Baptists Worldwide and Texas Baptist Missions Foundation. Thank you for your faithful and generous support.

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