BOUNCE spring break students are ‘missional for life’

by Texas Baptists Communications on April 9, 2024 in News

Eleven construction projects were completed by 199 participants from 10 churches this past spring break through BOUNCE student disaster recovery, a ministry of Texas Baptists.

Projects included hanging drywall and insulation, painting, installing flooring, demolition and other miscellaneous construction in Houston and Katy, TX.

Residents there continue to recover from the devastating effects of Winter Storm Uri and Hurricane Harvey, which hit the area in 2021 and 2017, respectively.

David Scott, director of BOUNCE, estimated the student volunteers or “bouncers” contributed 2,640 hours of labor over two work days.

Love for missions the ‘big win’ with students

Though the results were largely tangible, some transcended the temporal.

During their service at multiple sites across town, students recorded 16 spiritual conversations, nine gospel presentations and one decision to follow Christ.

Scott noted the importance of seeing young people grow in missions when serving others beyond the church's walls.

“The thing for me is seeing those kids, seeing that love for missions and ministry cultivated in their lives,” Scott said. “That’s the big win.”

“We have the opportunity to create kids that are going to be missional for life,” he said. “The opportunity to be missional is all around you.”

Jesus ‘worthy of that sacrifice’

Like Scott, Jones spoke to the importance of instilling a heart for missions in his students.

“We have so many hearers of the word but not doers,” he said. “I want my youth ministry to be marked by that, by doers.”

While it was initially difficult to recruit students for service over spring break, Jones noted it was just the right time for his group to serve.

“I’m convicted that serving Christ rarely comes with convenience,” he said. “Rather, it is sacrificial. If you give God just three days of your spring break, God is going to bless that.”

Jones saw his students give up their comforts to help others in need.

“I want to teach these students you are going to have to give things up to follow Christ,” he said. “Christ is worthy of that sacrifice.”

More missions, more ‘kingdom work’

Bouncers tallied 42 acts of kindness in Houston and Katy, TX, and additional groups will return to the city later in the year to complete even more projects.

Student disaster recovery and church planting trips are already scheduled for June and July of 2024. Student disaster recovery trips will visit Lake Charles, LA, and Mora County, NM. Student church planting trips will take place in Ft. Worth, TX, and Seattle, WA.

Like spring break, summer trips will include mission work, Bible study time, and worship and speakers each evening. The trips are purposefully pre-packaged so student leaders can focus on their students and serving others.

On the final night of First Stockdale’s BOUNCE trip, before heading back home, Jones told his students the mission experience would always stand out.

“You will never forget this trip because what you have done is eternal; it is kingdom work,” Jones told them.

Celebrating its tenth anniversary, BOUNCE offers student ministry leaders the opportunity to mobilize middle school, high school and college students to participate in challenging mission service and worship. Learn more and register at

Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.

The ministry of the convention is made possible by giving through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions, Texas Baptists Worldwide and Texas Baptist Missions Foundation. Thank you for your faithful and generous support.

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