BOUNCing Out of Bartlesville

by Jordan Pitman on June 23, 2017 in BOUNCE

Happy Friday from our BOUNCERS here in Bartlesville! All nine teams finished projects at their worksites today and returned to the church to clean up.  We ended the night with worship and the BOUNCE wrap party.  We are proud of our BOUNCERS for their hard work and determination all week.  The residents of Bartlesville were very pleased and blessed this week.

Samuel Middleton, a seventh-grader from South Oaks Baptist Church, said that his experience has been amazing this week.  This is his second trip with BOUNCE and “it is fortunate to see residents and do the work of God”.  He also added that it is a blessing to see the residents and serve in their lives during the week.

Lexi Nobels, a seventh-grader from FBC Navasota said that her week was good “because we got to serve others and see their reaction at the end of the week and see how much we blessed them.”  This was her first BOUNCE trip and she added that she would do BOUNCE again in the future.

Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.

The ministry of the convention is made possible by giving through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions, Texas Baptists Worldwide and Texas Baptist Missions Foundation. Thank you for your faithful and generous support.

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