BOUNCing Out of Waco and Summer 2017

by Jordan Pitman on July 21, 2017 in BOUNCE

And that’s a wrap in Waco and for Summer 2017.  We are impressed by the work that was completed by our BOUNCERS and proud of the mark they have left on this community and its residents.  We want to thank Cristoval Baptist Church, Crossroads Baptist Church, and First Baptist Church Lampasas for participating and serving with us this week.  Our BOUNCE staff hopes you all have safe travels back home, and that you would continue serving even after this week.

This week would not be possible without the work of our coordinators and partners in the community.  We would like to thank Aaron Austin for his work as Mission Coordinator, as well as Worship Speaker, Charles Carroll as Construction Coordinator, and Scott Rhodes as our Local Logistics Coordinator.  We would also like to thank Mike Stone from Waco Community Development, as well as Waco Regional Baptist Association for providing lunches to worksite teams.  

Lastly, we want to thank our Collegiate staff for all of the hard work they have done throughout this entire summer.  Amy Prentice, our Administrative Missions Specialist, worked in the office and helped keep everyone organized.  Dan Hassell, our Worship Leader, brought us into a spirit of worship each night and did a wonderful job choosing songs and scripture to fit each night’s lesson. He also did a great job capturing photos of BOUNCERS at their worksites.  Jordan Pitman, our Communications Missions Specialist, contacted local media in order to have coverage of our BOUNCERS each week wherever they were working, as well as informing participants of possible mission opportunities after BOUNCE.  Lastly, Isaac Childs, our Audio Visual Technician, worked behind the scenes during worship to make sure lights, sound, and lyrics ran smoothly.  He also did a great job each week putting together the BOUNCE Cam, which featured each team and the work they did throughout the week.

We hope to see all teams back next year, serving and giving home to those in need of it.  Be in prayer for next year and the communities that students will be serving in.  Also be in prayer for those churches and youth groups that will be participating next year and that God would prepare them now for what he has in store for them.

Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.

The ministry of the convention is made possible by giving through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions, Texas Baptists Worldwide and Texas Baptist Missions Foundation. Thank you for your faithful and generous support.

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