Weekly Update

Generosity that honors the King

Jan 08, 2025

“On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” (Matthew 2:11 NIV)

I am typing this update on January 6. In some church traditions, this day is called “Epiphany” or “Three Kings Day,” celebrating the arrival of the magi to the house where Jesus and his parents were (Matthew 2:11). In such traditions, the eve of January 6 is considered the twelfth day of Christmas, ending the Christmas season officially and festively. 

In our modern-day consumerist culture, Christmas decorations, music and celebrations do not begin December 25 but as early as November! For most people, by now, Christmas seems so behind us. Many took down their Christmas decorations before yearend and are moving on to whatever is next. Some stores have already stocked their shelves for Valentine's Day!

I hope you had a meaningful Christmas season. Whether you put away your Christmas tree on December 26th or on February 13 (or sometime in between), it is good to know that the Christ who was born in a manger is God’s gift to us, which lasts more than a season, but even to eternity.

Regardless of our specific traditions around Christmas, the Matthew 2 passage has meaning for all of us. The arrival of the magi with their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh reminds us of worship through giving. They honored the child Christ as a king with their presents.

As we close 2024 and step into 2025, we are grateful for your generosity through the Cooperative Program, the Mary Hill Davis Offering and other financial contributions made for the work of ministry through Texas Baptists.

You may have received our Texas Baptists Life Monthly December newsletter sent a few days ago. If you did, you’ll notice some of the things God did through our partnership and your generosity. In 2024, we had…

  • 877 children and student ministers and leaders attend Conclave NextGen
  • 201 PAVE consultations with churches and leaders to discover revitalization
  • 33 new churches started
  • 20,013 professions of faith made through our missional engagement ministry
  • 69 missionaries in 17 countries supported through our missionary adoption program
  • 7,611,333 meals served in over 30 countries through our TXB Hunger Offering
  • 17,772 college students involved in Baptist Student Ministry on 137 campuses
  • 2,956 college students serving as missionaries
  • And we formed a staff team that will focus on pastoral health networks around the state for pastors at different stages of ministry, including Gen Z/Millenial pastors and women in vocational ministry.

This is just a sample of the many ways in which God worked through us in 2024. We rejoice with that. We thank you for your partnership, your financial support and your prayers.

Like the magi, your generosity honors the King. Like the gift of God in Christ, your contributions through the Cooperative Program have an eternal impact. As 2025 begins, we ask that you consider increasing your financial support through the Cooperative Program.

As we strengthen a multiplying movement of Great Commandment and Great Commission churches, resources are essential. Our state continues to grow, and we need to be witnesses in our cities, in our state, in our country and to the ends of the earth!

Next week, I will share about a secondary benefit of giving through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program. Thank you for reading. Stay tuned!

Dr. Guarneri is the 21st executive director of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. He holds degrees from Texas A&M University Kingsville, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Dallas Baptist University. He has more than 39 years of ministerial experience and is passionate about sharing the Gospel with the nations and cross-cultural missions and ministry.