How to show your pastor you care

by Dowell Loftis on October 9, 2019 in Faith

Years ago, I heard a story about a farmer in England whose ox died while it was pulling his wagon to town. The old farmer was distraught, as he was poor and had no money to replace the ox. Several people came by. Some commented on what a sad situation it was; some said that they would pray for the old farmer; all of them said how sorry they were that his ox had died.  One man stood up before the crowd and said, “I’m three pounds sorry,” handing the farmer three British pounds . He then looked at others in the crowd and asked, “How sorry are you?” He was willing to take tangible action to help the old farmer in his plight.

Most of us are very thankful for our pastors. We appreciate their tireless dedication to the Lord and His church. But did you know that statistics show that Texas Baptists pastors are less likely to receive benefits such as a housing allowance, health insurance and retirement from their church than the average evangelical pastor in America? Do you know if your pastor’s compensation package includes those things?

October is Pastor Appreciation Month. There is no better way to show your pastor your appreciation than to make sure a benefits package is set up in a way that is most beneficial to his family’s needs. Click here to view Guidestone’s free Compensation Planning Guide.

This month, be sure and tell your pastor how much you appreciate him. But don’t just tell him, show him by making sure you are providing these very practical benefits for him and his family.

Dowell Loftis serves as the Connections Director for Texas Baptists

Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.

The ministry of the convention is made possible by giving through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions, Texas Baptists Worldwide and Texas Baptist Missions Foundation. Thank you for your faithful and generous support.

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