MAP Stories: Burnaby Born Again in Canada

by Guest Author on May 28, 2021 in MAP Stories

Rafael and Sarah Araujo are MAP Missionaries in British Columbia, Canada. The Araujos moved from Argentina to Canada in 2015 after feeling God’s calling to open a church and minister to Spanish and Portuguese speakers there.

In October 2015, Burnaby Born Again (BBA) church started meeting with weekly small groups at the Araujos’ apartment. The groups were held in Portuguese. From there, the church has continued to grow, moving locations multiple times to best host their congregation.

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions in their area, they have not been permitted to hold indoor services since the start of the pandemic. However, when the weather is good they are able to meet in a park to hold outdoor services there.

Rafael explained that these outdoor services are an exciting way to reach lost people. He preaches in Portuguese, and his wife translates the sermon into English. They met a couple a few weeks ago who had been walking in the park and stopped to listen. It was the first time they had ever attended a church service. Rafael and Sarah were able to pray with them and invite them to attend future services. They have also met a couple of new Brazilian families.

When the weather is poor, BBA broadcasts onto Facebook Live or meets on Zoom. They use their Zoom meetings to play games and interact with each other, as well as to make people laugh and relieve some of the stress caused by the pandemic.

Rafael and Sarah remain optimistic and dedicated to sharing the Gospel with whoever they can. They are hoping to begin evangelizing with some of the nearby Mexican communities who work on farms close to their city.

“We keep praying and keep dreaming and keep pursuing new opportunities to share the Gospel,” Rafael said.

The Araujos are adopted by Cornerstone Mid County Church, Coastal Bend Fellowship, and Iglesia Bautista El Buen Pastor. For more information about the Missionary Adoption Program, our missionaries or ways you can be involved, please contact us at missionaryadoptionprogra[at]

Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.

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