MAP Stories: Discipleship in action around the globe

by Guest Authors on December 7, 2021 in News


We resumed the music classes at the community center in our neighborhood. This new project has brought us closer to the families of our community and led to conversations about Christ.
- Neliana Santos, MAP Missionary, Brazil

We found very receptive people in two new villages. In addition to the Word of God, we can offer actions of compassion and grace such as donating a basic food basket to some of them. Pray for these new opportunities!
- ​Josias and Eliene, MAP Missionary, Brazil

We helped a mother and daughter with meals during the pandemic. They began participating in online services, and we celebrated their transformed lives when they gave their lives to Christ, were discipled and are now baptized!

- ​Alexandre and Luisa, MAP Missionary, Brazil


In Vancouver, missionaries Rafael and Sarah Araujo started a Portuguese church called Burnaby Born Again (BBA).

We are holding a baptism early next month for three of our youth, very excited that they are taking this important faith step!
– Rafael Aguilar Araujo, MAP Missionary, Vancouver


For three months, I have accepted the challenge of being the director of the youth ministry of our region (Catalonia). Because of this, the range of our service has increased not only to the Church in Roses but also to the different Churches of Catalonia. Just with a work team and servants of God, the annual “Joves Baptistes de Catalunya” camp was held, where around 100 young people from different Churches participated, and many of them (especially teenagers) took steps of faith and accepted Christ as Savior and Lord of their lives. Therefore, during the next two years, together with the local ministry in Roses, we will also be serving at the regional level.

Also, the family of Kevín and Branighan, who are originally Venezuelan, have joined the membership of the Church. We have shared a photo where they are both being discipled. It is a blessing to see how the Church family in Roses continues to grow in the midst of the pandemic. We are always grateful for our brothers in Texas for remembering us and keeping us in their prayers.

This time of pandemic has meant a challenge on several levels, but especially for us at the ministerial level where at many times we have seen our forces falter. However, now we see how God and the prayers of our different brothers have sustained us. We love you.
– Luiguii Olortegui, MAP Missionary, Spain

Please pray for all of our MAP missionaries, who are at work around the world sharing Christ and showing love. If you or your church are interesting in learning more or adopting a MAP missionary and being a part of this global work, contact missionaryadoptionprogram[at]

Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.

The ministry of the convention is made possible by giving through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions, Texas Baptists Worldwide and Texas Baptist Missions Foundation. Thank you for your faithful and generous support.

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