More than a Meal: Hunger Offering Ministry in Irving Transforms Lives

by Guest Author on August 18, 2017 in Hunger Offering

By Jaclyn Bonner

He came with a humble grin, $60, and one request – “pray for me.”

Jerry* was a changed man. His face was familiar to Ruby, a board member and volunteer at Crisis Ministries, an effort of Baptist Benevolent Ministries of Irving supported by Dallas Baptist Association, but his demeanor had been transformed.

When Jerry began coming to Crisis Ministries for food relief services, he was disrespectful, angry, and prideful. Even though Ruby invested time in Jerry’s life by sharing the gospel with him and showing him dignity by acknowledging him as “Mr.,” the young man remained callous and bitter.

This time, Jerry seemed different. He came to give instead of receive.

Ruby assured him money is not required for services, but Jerry insisted the money be accepted for kingdom work. Jerry found Christ, and his outlook is regenerated. He hopes to keep his job and knows Jesus is for him, not against him.

Since 1990, BBMOI Crisis Ministries, a DBA and Texas Baptist Hunger Offering ministry, has been operating to bring Christ glory and demonstrate His love to the community by serving the hungry and homeless in Irving.

Several hundred families in need receive weekly supplies of groceries, including fresh produce, eggs, milk, and non-perishable food items. The ministry also prepares and delivers meal bags for the homeless population living on the streets.

Crisis Ministries is more than an outlet for hunger relief. This all-volunteer ministry strives to instill good habits in clients by teaching them how to best use the food provided.

Crisis Ministries provides information on proper food storage, shelf life, and leftover food usage. Classes on smart shopping, money management, crisis saving, Biblical stewardship, and goal-setting are also offered.

Counseling, employment, and career training information are provided to patrons, as well.

The ministry has not forgotten spiritual needs either. Each individual is prayed for, referred to local churches, and offered a Bible. This spiritual attentiveness changed one young professional’s life.

Bridget* came in need of assistance because she had unexpectedly lost her job. Crisis Ministries alleviated her hunger, a volunteer prayed with her, and provided her with needed referrals.After attending a local church, she accepted Christ. Like Jerry, Bridget returned to testify that she left with much more than just a meal.

The Hunger Offering partners with ministries like Crisis Ministries to alleviate hunger in the name of Christ. To become a partner in this work, give to the Hunger Offering by clickinghere.

*Name changed for privacy.

Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.

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