Multi-cultural VBS experience eliminates barriers to sharing the gospel

by Leann Callaway on July 16, 2024 in Local Church Stories

BRYAN -- With a heart to connect with families and help meet needs in their community, First Baptist Church in Bryan, TX, hosted two Vacation Bible Schools at the close of June–a daytime VBS in English and a concurrent option for Spanish speakers held in the evenings that same week.

As the registrations poured in for the four-day programs, kids pastor Jay Miller was amazed at the tremendous response and reminded of the task at hand–to break down any barriers and reach kids with the gospel.

The need for bilingual outreach events

Prior to VBS getting underway, Miller expected 200 leaders to help upwards of 800 students in attendance.

“Numbers like that just blow my mind, but it’s a testimony of God at work,” Miller said.

In response to the growing need to provide bilingual outreach events like VBS, Miller noted the incredible potential to partner with the church’s Spanish ministry for kingdom-building work.

“Our Spanish pastor, Teo Cisneros, and his wife, Sandra, really want to focus on building relationships with families and this is one of the ways,” Miller said. “Our VBS week is really focused on being one event with everyone working together for a common goal. I’m so thankful to have a Spanish pastor who creates a bridge into the church for English and Spanish speakers. This is not a one-off event, but a representation of the ministries already in place.”

Multicultural church ‘a glimpse’ of heaven

Miller said that outreaches like this one provide a glimpse of what heaven will be like with all the nations represented.

“Even a couple of years ago, statistics showed that in 10-15 years we wouldn’t have a majority ethnicity in our state, because Texas is a beautiful melting pot. The church should look more like heaven with all the nations represented, and that is certainly being reflected in our community,” said Miller.

Insights for ‘a kingdom movement’

For churches considering putting together multicultural outreaches like this one, Miller offered insight and encouragement.

“Identify people in your church who are passionate about reaching people and who have an evangelistic heart and are passionate about kids having a multicultural experience,” Miller explained. “We really want to be careful not to have kids from other backgrounds trying to conform to our style or traditional way of doing things.”

Miller said that the children’s ministry will continue to offer events throughout the summer as a way to connect with families.

“First and foremost, VBS is an outreach event,” Miller said. “Kids will be inviting their neighbors and friends from sports and dance teams, and we want to clearly communicate the gospel, so we really wanted to utilize gifted leaders who understand different cultures. We want families to feel welcome and feel like they are part of a family, whether they are English-speaking or Spanish-speaking.”

“We are praying for salvation and that life change would take place as a result of VBS. For some, that is death to life as they follow Jesus for the first time. For other kids, VBS is a launching point for growth.”

“For kids who attend another church, we really want this VBS experience to encourage other churches in the Bryan and College Station area and let them know that this is a partnership in the gospel. This isn’t a singular-movement. This is a kingdom movement, and our desire is to benefit other churches as well, to build the kingdom and glorify God as we reach these kids with the gospel.”

Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.

The ministry of the convention is made possible by giving through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions, Texas Baptists Worldwide and Texas Baptist Missions Foundation. Thank you for your faithful and generous support.

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