TBM responds to damage from Hurricane Ida in south Louisiana

by Texas Baptists Communications on August 30, 2021 in News

On August 29, Hurricane Ida made landfall in south Louisiana as a category 4 hurricane. The storm has caused widespread flooding, power outages and property damage. Texas Baptist Men (TBM) has deployed to the area to deliver help, hope and healing in the aftermath of the storm.

The first wave of TBM volunteers includes a shower and laundry unit, an electrical support unit, the materials to provide temporary roofs and a mobile feeding kitchen. This mass feeding kitchen is capable of providing up to 30,000 meals a day.

Following the assessments done by the first wave, a second wave of volunteers will deploy in the coming days with chainsaw and mud-out units.

In the early stages of the disaster, Texas Baptists are encouraged to pray for those impacted by the flooding, first responders, TBM volunteers and local churches who will provide aid in a variety of ways.

"Texas Baptists are always proud of the ready response of our partners at TBM. As always, we work together to help provide the necessary resources which, in turn, allows TBM to serve so many in need and to do so in a Christlike way," David Hardage, executive director of Texas Baptists, said.

TBM is collecting donations of cleaning supplies, paper goods and more. Buckner International was the first to respond and donated over 24,000 pounds of supplies, including hand sanitizer, water bottles and Gatorades. TBM will continue to collect donations through Thursday at their Dallas office. A full list of needed items can be found here.

TBM Disaster Relief is made possible by prayer and financial support. One hundred percent of gifts to TBM Disaster Relief support disaster relief ministry. To give online and see updates, visit tbmtx.org.

Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.

The ministry of the convention is made possible by giving through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions, Texas Baptists Worldwide and Texas Baptist Missions Foundation. Thank you for your faithful and generous support.

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