TXB Spotlight with Jeff Berger

by Texas Baptists Communications on February 25, 2022 in TXB Spotlight

Jeff Berger is pastor of First Baptist Church Conroe. Read about his background, passion for ministry and prayer for his church below.

Q: When and how did God call you to be a pastor?

A: I was called to ministry a few months after I graduated college and got married. I went through a season of intense disappointment and struggle, which surprised me because I had married a wonderful Christian girl and thought I was walking in God’s will. Not knowing what else to do, I began spending more time studying the Bible and praying. I suddenly found I had an insatiable hunger for more of God and His Word. During the day, I would think about the things God was teaching me, and how I would share those lessons if I ever spoke to a congregation about them. At night, I would be unable to sleep and would go back to reading the Word.

Finally, I asked the Lord if this was a call to preach — which was something I never aspired to or hoped for. I shared this also with my wife, fearing how she might respond (it’s quite a bait-and-switch to hear, three months after one’s wedding, that your husband wants to go into vocational ministry). She told me she felt called to be a minister’s wife, and that she anticipated God would call me someday, although she didn’t expect it to be so soon. That was tremendous confirmation for me! We celebrate 30 years of marriage this May, and I have been a pastor for 25 of those years.

Q: What is one exciting thing God is doing in and through your church right now?

A: Right now, my church is experiencing tremendous numerical growth, as well as many other wonderful signs of church health. That’s surprising in such an uncertain time. I am so very grateful for it because I know it’s the Lord — I know this because it’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before in ministry.

Q: How can people pray for your church?

A: My ministry staff and I are focusing on shepherding our people well. Pray that we would have the wisdom to do that in a way that would disciple and nurture the people who are members here, and the people God is continuing to bring into our flock.

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