TXB Spotlight with Joseph Adams

by Texas Baptists Communications on August 5, 2024 in TXB Spotlight

This month we are spotlighting Pastor Joseph Adams at First Baptist Church in Hughes Springs, TX! Join us in praying for Pastor Joseph Adams and FBC Hughes Springs as God continues to work in their church.

Q: What is one exciting thing God is doing through your church right now?

A: Right now, we are closing in on our 40th baptism of 2024. We've had someone saved, baptized or join our church every Sunday so far this year. When I first got to FBC Hughes Springs, we were at about 60 people and now we are running close to 500 on an average Sunday! It's all a God thing!

Q: What is God showing you in your spiritual walk right now and how can that help your church?

A: He is showing me that I need him more than I realize, and without Him there's nothing. Everything that we have done in the last 7 years can be taken away because I can't save anybody and I can't change anyone's life. My preaching is dead unless the Lord is moving. This idea of relying on Him, resting in Him and having reassurance that He will always come through has been huge for me personally.

Q: What advice would you give to someone in their first few years of ministry?

A: Listen more than you speak, move slowly and change things that have to be changed, but never rush it. As a pastor, you must have vision, but you also need to share that vision. You need to bring people along to help you carry this vision of the church and make it more organic. Sheep are led, not driven. If God calls us "cattle," then I would say drive them, but he calls us sheep and sheep need to be led.

Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.

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