TXB Spotlight with Ron Flores

by Texas Baptists Communications on October 13, 2021 in TXB Spotlight

Ron Flores is pastor of Primera Iglesia Bautista, Mathis. Get to know his background and how you can be praying for his church during Pastor Appreciation Month.

Q: When and how did God call you to be a pastor?

A: I lived for 50 years of my life searching for a spiritual awakening that never came. In April of 2009 I transferred from Colorado back home to Texas after working in Washington D.C. and Colorado for five years. It was then that I attended a non-Catholic church for the first time. That church was Elmendorf First Baptist Church. I came to know Christ and accepted Him as my Lord and Savior a few months later. It has been a life-changing experience for me in so many ways.

I became a deacon a year later, and I wanted to learn more so I looked for a local seminary to take some courses to learn more. I was introduced to Dr. David Smith from Dallas Baptist University who told me about the master’s program that was just starting up. As soon as I took my first course I knew then I was called to serve. I started my master’s degree program in January of 2012 and graduated May of 2014. During this time I was still working for the Department of Defense and the signs were there for me to retire after 23 years and devote myself to the call.

My wife Mary has been my right hand through all this. It continues to be an amazing and challenging journey. Whether I was molded through the years of military service and government service or I had not heard the call from our Lord throughout the years, I do not know. But I do know that I am where God wants me to be.

Q: What is one exciting thing God is doing in and/or through your church right now?

A: Through all this pandemic, God continues to bless Primera Iglesia Bautista, Mathis. Not only in our weekly offerings, but we are working hand in hand with the other churches in the Mathis community, regardless of denomination, in having prayer meetings in the park for victims of human trafficking, those suffering from the coronavirus and the financial and spiritual needs of the community. It is great that we see past the labels of denomination and we come together as followers of Christ to bring the power of the Holy Spirit and the Light of God to a spiritually starved community.

Q: How can people pray for your church?

A: We need prayer for all the pastors of the Mathis community to join forces against the enemy that is trying to divide us and use the temptations of the world to pull people away from God. We need prayer that God uses our church, every member, to rise up and use the power of outreach in a loving way, not being judgmental, to let this spiritually starved community know that Jesus loves them.

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