TXB Spotlight with Thong Kho Lun

by Texas Baptists Communications on March 17, 2022 in TXB Spotlight

Thong Kho Lun is pastor of Greater Houston Burmese Christian Fellowship. Read about his background and passion for ministry below.

Q: When and how did God call you to be a pastor?

A: My name is Thong Kho Lun, born and raised in Burma (Myanmar). I accepted Christ as my personal Savior and Lord in 1978 in high school. As I had a burden to share with my Buddhist friends the gospel of Jesus Christ, I decided to go to Bible college in 1982. The Lord graciously opened the door for me to continue my theological studies in India, the Philippines, and the United States of America.

As I was serving the Lord as a hospice chaplain at the Houston Hospice in Houston Medical Center in 2002, I felt a call by God to reach the Burmese community in Houston with the gospel. By God’s faithful guidance, my wife and I started Greater Houston Burmese Christian Fellowship with a dozen people in 2005 under the leadership of Tallowood Baptist Church.

My primary goal was to reach the small Burmese community in Houston with the gospel of Jesus. But God gave me a rapidly growing community as a high volume of Burmese refugees arrived in Houston starting in 2006. As the Lord blessed us, our church grew rapidly.

Q: What is one exciting thing God is doing in and through your church right now?

A: Today we have nearly 400 members. Six different ethnic churches have been planted in Houston.

One exciting thing God has done is that we were able to buy a church building last year during the pandemic. Now we have our own church building and are excited to see God’s faithful guidance for greater mission work in Houston and beyond in the years to come.

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