Weekly Update

Why our PAVE ministry is so critical

Sep 05, 2024

“So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers.” (Acts 16:5 NIV)

As you enter into the fall ministry cycle, know that we are praying for you as you seek to be strengthened in the faith and grow in number as the churches in Acts did.

In August, I had the opportunity to either visit or preach at several Texas Baptists churches. Crestview Baptist Church in Georgetown has been growing and expanding. They called Dr. Tony Celelli to be co-pastor in a succession plan with Dan Wooldridge. The Woodland First Baptist Church also has multiple worship services, with a vibrant en español ministry and a significant missions impact. First Baptist Church of Arlington has a packed house for their worship services, a strong presence on the UTA campus and directly supports international missionaries. First Baptist Church of Pharr has a commitment to international missions and is searching for a Lead Pastor. And First Baptist Church of Waxahachie, where I preached this last Sunday, is also growing and reaching their community.

Some of the common characteristics of growing churches are as follows: excellent pastoral leadership, a dedicated team of staff and lay leaders, vibrant worship services, a commitment to reach their community, baptizing new believers often, a concern for the next generation and missions participation in giving through the Cooperative Program and engaging in international missions.

We are thankful for the partnership we share with these churches and others like them. The other side of the story is that not all churches are experiencing the same thing. 

According to Thom Rainer, 80% to 90% of the churches in the U.S. are plateaued or declining in attendance (pre-pandemic). Specifically regarding Texas Baptist churches, we estimate that only about 15% of our churches are experiencing growth. The rest are either plateaued or declining.

That is why our PAVE ministry is so critical. Our Center for Church Health offers a church revitalization process, led by Jonathan Smith, that walks with pastors, peer groups, coaches and congregations to seek God’s direction and provision in health and growth.

Since PAVE launched in May 2022, 125 pastors have joined cohorts. Eighty-five percent of PAVE pastors reported "significant revitalization progress" after year one of PAVE. Sixty-eight percent of PAVE pastors are reporting an increase in baptisms in their first year of PAVE.

The impact has been so significant that our staff has worked to also adapt this process for African American and Hispanic churches and Millennial/Gen Z pastors.

Church growth is not an end in itself, but it can be evidence of a healthy church. We want to be a movement of Great Commandment and Great Commission churches that impact their communities and our state with God’s love. With a state that is exploding demographically, we need more churches reaching people for Christ.

I invite you to pray with me that this trend of decline is reversed and we see our churches growing and multiplying. I thank you for your participation through the Cooperative Program. The proposed 2025 budget seeks to increase our investment in church revitalization, among other things. We need the increased involvement of churches!

Lastly, I want to encourage worship pastors and senior pastors to attend our Worship Summits either in San Antonio (September 17) or Pasadena (October 29). The summit can provide information, inspiration and encouragement to the ministerial staff in your church who prepare and lead worship every week.

Welcome fall semester! Welcome, Holy Spirit, to our churches!

Dr. Guarneri is the 21st executive director of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. He holds degrees from Texas A&M University Kingsville, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Dallas Baptist University. He has more than 39 years of ministerial experience and is passionate about sharing the Gospel with the nations and cross-cultural missions and ministry.