1,900 messengers and visitors gathered in McAllen July 16-18 to take part in Texas Baptists’ Family Gathering, the 138th Annual Meeting of the Baptist General Convention of Texas.
“Sometimes the crowd is wrong,” said Ammons, pastor at First Baptist Church in Garland. “Just because there is a groundswell saying to do this, doesn’t mean it’s right.”
Following a 30-minute discussion during the second business session, messengers to the 2023 Texas Baptists Family Gathering adopted an amended motion to affirm women in ministry.
Just miles from the border between Texas and Mexico, Texas Baptists gathered during the 2023 Texas Baptists Family Gathering to celebrate 55 years of River Ministry at the Missions Banquet.
Durante esta segunda sesión se discutieron los asuntos y negocios del Señor y se aprobaron cuatro enmiendas propuestas, se votó para la elección del primer y segundo vicepresidente y secretaria.
Hay una ley espiritual. Cuando invertimos en misiones Dios hace prosperar su iglesia.
If your church is declining in attendance or plateauing for several years, there is good news: You are not alone. But the better news is you don’t have to stay that way, said Dr. Jonathan Smith, Director of Church Health Strategy for Texas Baptists.
En un mundo donde nada es estático, todo cambia con el ir y venir cultural, social, político y científico. La iglesia local no es ajena a estos cambios.
Do you believe this evening that God has called each and every one of us to be a part of the business of the calling to go out and to make disciples of every people group?