Our political engagement extends far beyond the voting booth, and now the real work is about to begin.
Have you ever lived in a city that has given a boil-water notice? Have you ever noticed that the taste of your tap water has changed? You might think it's odd to notice the taste of water or that there would be a boil-water notice in the United States. But during July of 2020, the city of Laredo, TX had to advise citizens living along highway 359 to boil their water due to low chlorine levels.
As Christians, we have a duty to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8).
God’s purpose and work continue to move through the hearts and hands of His people.
En la medida que miles en todos los estados inesperadamente se encuentran en necesidad de ayuda adicional para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas, los ministerios de TBHO se ponen a la altura de las circunstancias y encuentran maneras nuevas y creativas para servir a sus comunidades.
As thousands across the state suddenly find themselves in need of extra assistance for basic necessities, TBHO hunger ministries are rising to the occasion, finding new and creative ways to serve their community.
“We believe in and we support with all of our hearts, life.”
The 86th Legislative Session has ended and most lawmakers have returned home. Here is a recap of some of their legislative accomplishments and failures of key legislation related to the 2018-2019 CLC legislative priorities.