Collegiate Ministry

37 - 54 of 61 articles

De Aguas Termales a Aguas Vivas

Jul 12, 2021

In a matter of 40 minutes, we went from hot waters to living waters.

A summer camp salvation during Go Now Missions

Jul 8, 2021

"Guess what! I accepted Jesus into my heart!”

Why it’s worth it: A Go Now Missions story

Jul 7, 2021

What makes this so worth your while that you give up your time?

Aggie BSM celebrates 100 years and looks forward to the next 100

Jun 30, 2021

On June 11-13, approximately 500 current and former students of the Aggie Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) gathered together to celebrate the BSM’s 100th anniversary.

TAMUK BSM named winner of 2021 Best of Kingsville Award

Jun 17, 2021

“Our vision is restoration– finding what we can see that’s broken and helping students find a way to mend them,”

72-hour prayer revival in Waco provides students with chance to seek calling, worship God

Apr 29, 2021

“We want to equip students with how to learn how to pray. That’s where the growth is.”

Longhorn BSM dedicates new facilities to the Lord and honors those who came before

Apr 22, 2021

The new Longhorn Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) building in Austin to dedicate the space to the Lord and celebrate the rich legacy of those who came before.

Reach21 encourages BSM students to minister in their own neighborhoods

Mar 29, 2021

“The connections they have made with local ministries and local churches has been amazing.”

BSM’s Evangelism Challenge prepares students for off-campus ministry

Dec 7, 2020

As the 2020 Fall semester started at The University of Texas at El Paso, the Baptist Student Ministry staff met together to evaluate how their ministry would look different as the COVID-19 pandemic drastically modified life on campus.

Baylor BSM push-up challenge results in fellowship and salvations

Nov 9, 2020

"...Just invite them into your life, just do life with them, play sports and go from there.”

One hundred years of Baptist Student Ministry

Nov 11, 2019

As BSM celebrates its 100th anniversary, take a look at the history of BSM and how it they continues to transform college students across Texas. 

Thank you for investing in future generations

Jul 13, 2017

Obeying His call: The Kwans obedience to Christ

Apr 5, 2017

Texas Baptists bring BSM to Guadalajara University

Jun 20, 2016

New facility brings new opportunities for North Texas BSM

Mar 2, 2016

What happens to college students when they actually "rest"

Feb 1, 2016

1500 steaks and free ice cream

Nov 4, 2015

BSM and local churches in Rio Grande Valley unite to feed the 4,000

Oct 5, 2015


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