Apr 17, 2020
"What Satan meant for harm, God used for good.”
Apr 16, 2020
Our witness can be strengthened by taking an active role to curb the social ills in our own localities.
Apr 15, 2020
Texas Baptists provided more than 275 grants to convention pastors across a diverse ethnic and cultural network since the launch of its new Pastor Relief Grant March 30.
Apr 14, 2020
"For the homeless to stay healthy, they need to stay clean."
Apr 14, 2020
Millions of people are experiencing anxiety and depression related to this life-threatening outbreak.
Apr 8, 2020
“The best thing we have is prayer and unity,”
Apr 8, 2020
Two Central Texas TBM disaster relief units recently donated nearly 300 boxes to the Capital Area Medical Operations Center in Austin to help in the distribution of medical supplies.
Apr 6, 2020
“They met every day in the Temple courts,”
Apr 3, 2020
Along the Texas-Mexico border, Texas Baptists River Ministry missionaries work hard to share God’s love with the immigrants, refugees and locals who live on both sides of the border.
Apr 2, 2020
TBM delivered 1,200 pairs of protective glasses and four pallets of plastic sheeting April 2 to Baylor Scott & White Health to help healthcare workers battle the coronavirus pandemic.
Apr 1, 2020
On March 31, Governor Greg Abbott issued Executive Order GA-14 (EO), which says residents of Texas must minimize in-person contact with people outside the same household.
Mar 30, 2020
On March 27, the U.S. House of Representatives approved by voice vote the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). The $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief package, which was Senate Bill 3548, was also unanimously passed by the U.S. Senate on March 24. A large portion of that relief, $349 billion, will fund the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
Mar 30, 2020
The faith community has a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate the love of Christ in one of the most trying times in recent history.
Mar 27, 2020
"...we are called to join God in responding to these tragedies with compassion and love,”
Mar 26, 2020
Make it your goal that they look back and remember this as a time in which you walked alongside them, rather than tried to correct every flaw in their outlook.
Mar 25, 2020
FBC Kaufman held its first-ever drive-in worship service in response to the new public gathering restrictions brought on by the spread of COVID-19.
Mar 25, 2020
Now, more than ever, we have to be conscious of our parents, kids’, and our own mental health.
Mar 24, 2020
As thousands across the state suddenly find themselves in need of extra assistance for basic necessities, TBHO hunger ministries are rising to the occasion, finding new and creative ways to serve their community.