It is important to take into account concerns involving privacy and intellectual property rights.
These diagrams represent possible church classroom scenarios for groups/classes of adults and youth.
Parents and teachers can help prepare preschoolers for face masks by practicing and making masks something fun and personal.
"It is a great way to impact Kingdom work around our state..."
"We received a blessing, and we want to be a blessing.”
TBM launched “TBM Feeding Texans” on April 28, an effort to provide 50,000 meals in the next two weeks to unemployed Texans during the COVID-19 crisis.
Each church must evaluate their situation and make the wisest decision for them.
What is safe (not simply allowed) as we “love our neighbor” in the example of Christ.
On Monday, April 27, Governor Greg Abbott announced that he will allow Executive Order GA-16 (the old EO) to expire, as scheduled, at the end of the month.
What are we to do with the uncertainty of our lives with the coronavirus?