That’s who we are — two churches becoming one,”
“I’m excited to continue the great work of the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering, to extend into new resources for the Offering, and to connect with more churches and ministry recipients as well,”
More than 800,000 refugees have fled Ukraine as a result of the Russian invasion, with many more expected to follow in the coming days
Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Baptists in Texas and around the world are seeking ways to provide support and encouragement to their brothers and sisters in harm’s way.
See how a recipient of the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering is helping those in need in Odessa.
Frugé will oversee all of the Center for Cultural Engagement’s ministries, including the CLC, African American Ministries, Texas Baptists en Español, Intercultural Ministries and Chaplaincy Relations.
"My challenge to you is don’t just talk and don’t just think, but act upon what God has put in your heart.”
“It’s a way to provide churches with a resource to show during the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday if they want that access,”
“Hoy recordamos, que el llamado de los creyentes es conocer el amor de Dios, con toda su plenitud."
“Today, we remember that our calling as Christians is to know the love of God – in all its abundance."