Go Now Missions

1 - 18 of 149 articles

Go Now Missions appoints 100 student missionaries to serve near and far during Christmas break

Dec 18, 2023

Go Now Missions, a ministry of Texas Baptists that mobilizes university students to share the love of Christ around the world, has appointed 100 student missionaries to serve and share the gospel during Christmas break.

261 students challenged to be ‘messengers of good news’ this summer with Go Now Missions

May 30, 2023

"Pray that they’d be useful to the churches they serve, pray that they walk with God this summer and do His will.”

Praying for healing in South Asia: A Go Now missions story

Jan 23, 2023

My heart broke. They were dying and had never even heard of the hope found in Jesus Christ.

Ministering to ship crew members over Christmas break

Jan 23, 2023

The message of Jesus was there in spirit even though we could not fully understand each other.

Using the great outdoors to share God’s love

Aug 29, 2022

“The Lord taught me a lot about serving Him and worshiping Him and how that can look different in different places."

Go Now Missions sends 232 students out to share God’s story

May 26, 2022

“We have hope grounded in Christ and great anticipation in all that God will do in [the students’] lives and through them and the teams they are a part of,”

Meeting people with the gospel in our backyards

May 3, 2022

"It is significant that for many of the refugees, it may have been their first encounter with Christians."

Go Now returns to Hawaii to help new church launch

Aug 19, 2021

“He so desperately wanted a relationship with God but felt like there was just a barrier between him and God."

From Texas to the ends of the Earth: Celebrating 75 years of Go Now Missions

Jul 27, 2021

Learn how a mission trip in 1946 turned into 75 years of college students on mission. 

De Aguas Termales a Aguas Vivas

Jul 12, 2021

In a matter of 40 minutes, we went from hot waters to living waters.

A summer camp salvation during Go Now Missions

Jul 8, 2021

"Guess what! I accepted Jesus into my heart!”

Why it’s worth it: A Go Now Missions story

Jul 7, 2021

What makes this so worth your while that you give up your time?

Reach21 encourages BSM students to minister in their own neighborhoods

Mar 29, 2021

“The connections they have made with local ministries and local churches has been amazing.”

Where God’s children gathered and were called to go

Mar 5, 2020

From Feb. 14-16, Go Now Missions hosted Discovery Weekend, a retreat designed to give student missionaries clarity on where they are being called to serve.

Unexpected connections through Go Now Border Blessings trip

Jan 9, 2020

It gave me such a clear and beautiful image of how Jesus bridged the gap between us and our Father. 

Hearts receptive to the Gospel in East Asia

Jan 7, 2020

The student asked ‘how can I believe this if my environment never taught me about it, not even my family?’

Go Now Missions trip leads to new campus ministry at Aggie BSM

Jan 2, 2020

An active Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) member and leader on her campus, Aquino felt drawn to missions in Mexico City so she could develop her understanding of a culture that is also found on her campus.

One student’s Go Now Missions journey to Colorado

Dec 9, 2019

In the fall of 2018, Tarleton State University senior Garrett Kirchner felt God begin to call him to college ministry. With his graduation nearing in December of that year, Kirchner prayed that God would show him where to go and how to get there.

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