Go Now Missions

19 - 36 of 149 articles

Go Now Missions: Finding old connections in a new city

Jul 24, 2019

Three students have a closer connection to our missions team than we ever thought possible. 

How Go Now Missions Orientation prepared me to serve

Jun 10, 2019

My experience at Go Now Missions Orientation was life-changing. I thought I knew how everything was going to go, but when I allowed myself to learn and grow I walked away with so many tools and knowledge that I didn’t even know was out there.

When I truly go home

Aug 14, 2018

I have been raised with this American and Texan Pride and I will always have a strong sentiment towards my heavily American and Texan roots. However, when I came back to Texas 2 weeks ago, it did not feel completely like home, and it still doesn’t, even though Texas has been my home my entire life. People say this feeling is common and it’s because you leave a piece of your heart on the mission field (as corny as it sounds, it’s true).

The road to surrendering

Aug 6, 2018

One night before worship, I asked for the Lord to reveal something to me, whether it be the message or just a word that stood out. One song that we sang was “At the Cross.”

Gateway to family ministry

Jul 30, 2018

Somewhere in my church life I got the idea that children’s ministry is on the back burner, and all the focus should be on adults and youth...I have been terribly wrong. 

The true meaning of missions

Jul 24, 2018

When we talk about doing missions, surely many of us think of going somewhere far from home, preaching the Gospel to a lot of people or having a place with a big crowd surrounding us and telling them about Jesus.

Orientation Weekend: Preparing Our Hearts and Minds

May 25, 2018

Go Now Orientation weekend has just ended and I think it’s safe to say everyone involved gained something from attending. Before attending orientation, I was overwhelmed with worry about many different things. What would we learn? What if I don’t fit in? What if I am not capable or equipped to do the tasks presented to us?

Missions in New York City – How God is Working in The Big Apple

Apr 2, 2018

For Spring Break this year, I decided to go to New York City. Not for a vacation or to sightsee, although I did get to do some of that, too. 

Seeing God at work through Discovery Weekend

Mar 5, 2018

I was blessed with the opportunity to attend the Discovery Weekend for Go Now Missions from February 16-18. During those three days I learned a lot. I learned to trust in God, to listen to what He was telling me and to follow my heart. I went into the weekend with a feeling that I was supposed to go to a specific place. 

Moldova: God's niceness through the journey there

Jan 18, 2018

The story began about three years ago. I was a sophomore at the University of North Texas (UNT), in my rookie semester as an RA in the "artsy dorm" and I had decided to apply for GoNow Missions. I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do or who I wanted to serve. I applied for a position in Jamaica because a friend of mine went the previous winter break and highly recommended it. However, I quickly discovered that the timing was not going to work out for that trip. So I ended up going to Discovery Day with absolutely no idea what position I was wanting or being called to.

Sitting at the feet of Jesus

Jan 9, 2018

It was Christmas morning. There were 10 of us crowded into my grandmother’s toasty living room. The torn wrapping paper was piled high and the folded gift bags were stacked neatly to return to the box for next year. The smell of bacon and sausage filled the air and each of us sifted back through our hauls to see just how good Santa was this year.

Grasping the depth of lostness and urgency for the Gospel

Aug 15, 2017

Seeing the impact of investing in Tahoe City

Aug 4, 2017

Answered prayers for softened hearts

Aug 1, 2017

Sharing the Gospel on a soccer field in Zambia

Jul 27, 2017

Go Now partnership allows Korean students to serve in Texas

Jul 26, 2017

Being faithful to ordinary tasks as a missionary in Arizona

Jul 10, 2017

Feeling thankful and complete through ministry

Jul 6, 2017


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