Sep 22, 2020
Aug 18, 2020
Let’s join together in prayer over these 6 ‘P’s for our children, parents, and teachers
Aug 14, 2020
When students leave for college, we are sometimes at a loss as to how to pray for them.
May 21, 2020
“This is a great opportunity to serve your Jerusalem."
Mar 24, 2020
During the second week of March, 168 middle school and high school students and group leaders from eight churches across Texas served in Waco, TX, through BOUNCE Student Disaster Recovery.
Feb 26, 2020
Kirkwood and Stewart wanted to find a mission opportunity that would lead to a long-term relationship for the church to maximize the impact they could have in that area.
Feb 13, 2020
Last year, Cedar Grove was an outstanding giver to the CP, and according to Senior Pastor Freddy Mason, the church has no intention of slowing down.
Jan 8, 2020
We have been greatly blessed and desire that others be blessed by coming to faith in Jesus Christ.
Nov 19, 2019
Phillip Nation, director of Advancement and Global Impact Churches at the Baptist World Alliance (BWA), started his Tuesday morning workshop at 2019 Texas Baptists Annual Meeting by posing a question. “What would it look like to create a culture for global disciple-making?” he asked.
Nov 19, 2019
The Texas Baptist Missions Foundation presented three awards at their annual luncheon held at the Baylor Club at McLane Stadium during the 2019 Texas Baptists Annual Meeting.
Nov 7, 2019
In 2017, Texas Baptists was awarded a $1 million-dollar grant from the Lilly Endowment to develop financial literacy programs and a fund to help pastors struggling financially.
Oct 16, 2019
Marcelo and Elaine Okasawara serve as missionaries in the Amazon region of Brazil. They are each MAP missionaries adopted by Glen Cove Baptist Church.
Sep 26, 2019
San Antonio Clubhouse is the newest member of the Baptist Temple Campus family of churches and service organizations that meet the spiritual and physical needs of our community.
Aug 28, 2019
In August 2015, Aaron and Nichole Carpenter and their children uprooted their lives in Alabama to move to the Pacific Northwest to plant a church. With little idea of where they would go, they began researching, and prayerfully settled on Tacoma, Washington as their new home and the location of the church plant.
Aug 26, 2019
Aug 22, 2019
You may have heard about the benefits of something called a “Donor Advised Fund.” Simply put, a Donor Advised Fund is a vehicle for giving that lets you contribute assets to the fund when it’s most advantageous for you, receive a tax deduction, and then later decide how you want the money distributed.
Aug 14, 2019
David Miranda, pastor de West End Church y Especialista en Misiones para los Texas Baptists, describe el ministerio en una iglesia multi-étnica en Dallas.
Aug 14, 2019
David Miranda, pastor of West End Church and Texas Baptists Missions Specialist, describes ministry in a multi-ethnic church in Dallas.