Nov 26, 2018
Cooperation can be a catalyst for change and a powerful tool for community ministry. Recently, Texas Baptist Missions Foundation (TBMF) Vice President Jerry Carlisle connected a donor and a matching grant, with a new church start at just the right moment. Through connections with TBMF, the local association, church starting, and a partner church, The Church at Junius Heights is now equipped for ministry in the East Dallas community.
Nov 13, 2018
Usually, the person with a birthday receives presents. But when New Hope First Baptist Church in Cedar Park turned 150 years old, they decided to do things a little differently.
Nov 2, 2018
Texas Baptists are involved in ongoing ministry along the border between Texas and Mexico through River Ministry missionaries. On Nov. 17, Texas Baptists will join with Mexican Baptists for a Border Summit symposium in Matamoros to discuss ways to respond to the needs along the border.
Oct 22, 2018
After attending Texas Baptists Church Planting Center (CPC) training in Houston, Pastor Ryan Thompson set out to plant a church that would reach the lost and the broken in Nederland, Texas.
Sep 18, 2018
When Elizabeth Mejía Laguna first came to the Buckner Family Hope Center, a Texas Baptist Hunger Offering recipient, she was shy and kept to herself. She often stayed in her home and did not interact with her neighbors.
Sep 11, 2018
Throughout the vast expansion of land, Robert Wheat, the director of missions for the association, wanted the churches to have a mobile resource to reach people in need of the Gospel. After months of dreaming, Wheat envisioned a ‘Life Trailer’ that was mobile and versatile for churches to utilize in reaching their communities.
Jul 13, 2018
La Mano de Dios, a group of soccer tournaments across Texas, introduces the Gospel to soccer players and their families.
Jul 13, 2018
Twenty-eight Texans partnered with MAP missionaries along the Amazon River to share the Gospel and strengthen the ongoing work in Brazil.
Jul 13, 2018
After months of hopelessness following the destruction of Hurricane Harvey, Houston homeowner Gaye Stephens was shown compassion and joy for the first time through middle and high school students.
Jul 13, 2018
Prisoners lives are being transformed as their fellow inmates are living out the call of the Great Commission to start ‘Philippi Churches.’
Jul 13, 2018
Las Iglesias Filipos son grupos de presos que se reúnen para orar, adorar y testificar del amor y el poder de Dios dentro de las prisiones.
Jul 2, 2018
Jun 19, 2018
"...there's a sense of pride and accomplishment for being at this university, but there's also this loneliness that comes with that. It's not loneliness like I see back at the University of Texas. No, it's loneliness without a purpose."
Jun 14, 2018
Believe it or not, there are people in Texas who have never heard the true Gospel. These people are your next-door neighbors. Who will tell them?
Jun 14, 2018
“This is very hard because we’ve never thought about God before.”
Jun 14, 2018
It's easy to trust God when you know what's going on and what He has planned. But trusting God in the waiting? Trusting Him in the silence?
May 25, 2018
Go Now Orientation weekend has just ended and I think it’s safe to say everyone involved gained something from attending. Before attending orientation, I was overwhelmed with worry about many different things. What would we learn? What if I don’t fit in? What if I am not capable or equipped to do the tasks presented to us?
May 8, 2018
Food. Water. Shelter. All things that most of us would agree are at the most basic level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Yet many people spend their lives without the assurance of these necessities.