Great Commandment

81 - 90 of 213 articles

BOUNCE students bring hope to Houston after Harvey

by Kirsten McKimmey on July 13, 2018 in Great Commandment

After months of hopelessness following the destruction of Hurricane Harvey, Houston homeowner Gaye Stephens was shown compassion and joy for the first time through middle and high school students.

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The transforming power of God in prisons

by Kirsten McKimmey on July 13, 2018 in Great Commandment

Prisoners lives are being transformed as their fellow inmates are living out the call of the Great Commission to start ‘Philippi Churches.’

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El poder transformador de dios en las prisiones

by Kirsten McKimmey on July 13, 2018 in Great Commandment

Las Iglesias Filipos son grupos de presos que se reúnen para orar, adorar y testificar del amor y el poder de Dios dentro de las prisiones.

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Basketball and building up the faith

by Guest Author on July 2, 2018 in Great Commandment

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Loving the lonely in Vancouver

by Guest Author on June 19, 2018 in Great Commandment

"...there's a sense of pride and accomplishment for being at this university, but there's also this loneliness that comes with that. It's not loneliness like I see back at the University of Texas. No, it's loneliness without a purpose."

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Why Arlington?

by Guest Author on June 14, 2018 in Great Commandment

Believe it or not, there are people in Texas who have never heard the true Gospel. These people are your next-door neighbors. Who will tell them?

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Unreached Nations in the Heart of Vancouver

by Guest Author on June 14, 2018 in Great Commandment

“This is very hard because we’ve never thought about God before.”

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Trusting God at Mission Arlington

by Guest Author on June 14, 2018 in Great Commandment

It's easy to trust God when you know what's going on and what He has planned. But trusting God in the waiting? Trusting Him in the silence?

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Orientation Weekend: Preparing Our Hearts and Minds

by Guest Author on May 25, 2018 in Great Commandment

Go Now Orientation weekend has just ended and I think it’s safe to say everyone involved gained something from attending. Before attending orientation, I was overwhelmed with worry about many different things. What would we learn? What if I don’t fit in? What if I am not capable or equipped to do the tasks presented to us?

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Do child sponsorship programs really work?

by Guest Author on May 8, 2018 in Great Commandment

Food. Water. Shelter. All things that most of us would agree are at the most basic level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Yet many people spend their lives without the assurance of these necessities.

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