Read how the African American Ministries team equipped church leaders for a challenging year during their leadership conference.
“He had a need, and this came through at the exact same time. It was such a God thing,”
“The connections they have made with local ministries and local churches has been amazing.”
“Opportunities like this help us shift our focus off of ‘me’ and focus on things that really matter,”
“While we wait for our circumstances to change, we can still pray for the women’s physical health and spiritual growth."
“En lo que esperamos que las cosas cambien, podemos seguir orando por la salud física y el crecimiento espiritual de estas mujeres."
"Through endowment gifts, your legacy extends far beyond your lifetime.”
Though we suffered and struggled we have always turned to the Sovereign Savior.
"We are fortunate to have two men of such high character and ability joining our staff.”
“Our population is continuing to grow, and we need more churches for that new population,”