"Our children were always sick. How can you get better when you’re drinking dirty water?”
Instead of wondering how his family will manage their debt, he is able to focus on Bible studies, sermons and ministry for his congregation.
"...as we plan our events, we plan them in the hopes that not only will people become disciples but that they can make disciples,”
“If you are faithful in the little He will be faithful in the lots”
"Si se es fiel en lo poco, Él será fiel en lo mucho"
"I want to see in every village, a church."
Do you ever wonder what your church, BSM or ministry could do to be more active and accessible on social media for people seeking community and the Gospel truth?
If we thoroughly examine the Gospels, what does our Lord himself actually say about material possessions? In various passages and within different pericopes, Jesus sets forth his theology of money.
"Cristo tenía un sistema. Él tenía a Sus discípulos que Él mismo entrenó, y entonces ellos fueron y entrenaron a otros. Y, ese es el enfoque al que Dios me ha llevado"
“Christ had a system. He had his disciples that he trained himself, and they went out and trained other people. And that’s the approach that I believe God has led me to,”