Hunger Offering

19 - 36 of 76 articles

Restore Hope Ethiopia provides clean water and discipleship to villages

Nov 30, 2020

Have you ever lived in a city that has given a boil-water notice? Have you ever noticed that the taste of your tap water has changed? You might think it's odd to notice the taste of water or that there would be a boil-water notice in the United States. But during July of 2020, the city of Laredo, TX had to advise citizens living along highway 359 to boil their water due to low chlorine levels.

God provides through the Hunger Offering to help victims of human trafficking

Nov 2, 2020

As Christians, we have a duty to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8). 

Grains of hope

Oct 1, 2020

God’s purpose and work continue to move through the hearts and hands of His people.

Mineral Wells ministry offers a hand up to those in need

Jul 1, 2019

By Abby Hopkins

“Mommy, you did it.”

A woman who had been struggling to get her GED heard these words at graduation coming from her daughter. Now, she is taking college classes and will occasionally visit the ministry that helped her get there – Mineral Wells Center of Life.

Mineral Wells Center of Life, a Texas Baptist Hunger Offering partner ministry, began in 2011 to reach its community. Since opening, the ministry has been able to offer a variety of services from GED (high school equivalency) classes to food distribution to job training programs and more.

Executive Director Cindy Maness said the center’s ministries have recently expanded.

“You never know what the need is going to be,” Maness said.

Ministry refines food distribution process to offer community more dignified access to food

Jun 1, 2019

By Abby Hopkins

When a person comes to Christian Family Baptist Church for the monthly food distribution, they drive through to receive the food. However, this is changing as the ministry finalizes a weekly grocery store-type experience for the community.

Christian Family Baptist Church is a Texas Baptist Hunger Offering partner in San Antonio planning to open a new building this month. This opening is part of a larger shift in the food distribution process, where Pastor Rob Johnson said people can now have more dignified access to food.

“We will provide a more modern approach to fighting hunger and malnutrition,” Johnson said. “The plan is to continue to refine to meet new people and share Christ. We’re addressing spiritual needs and physical needs.”

Ministry impacts lives of mothers, families in Slovakia

Apr 25, 2019

By Abby Hopkins

In Slovakia, the Roma are a minority known for living in poverty. Education barriers create challenges for individuals to finish school and break the cycles of poverty.

Roma Health & Hunger, a Texas Baptist Hunger Offering partner, is meeting this need by providing resources within the education system. From mothers to their children, the work of this ministry is helping Roma families succeed and thrive.

Hunger Offering funds are specifically used for higher education scholarship funds as well as for lunches and snacks for a preschool program. This ministry unites the body of Christ to meet the needs of Roma people and display the glory of God.

Personal testimony compels Christ-follower to share hope with community

Apr 5, 2019

By Abby Hopkins

So often, the Lord uses the testimonies of His people to impact others with similar life struggles. For Elisa Valadez, whose story includes abuse, homelessness, and heartache, she knew she wanted to serve her community in this way to offer others the same hope she found in Christ.

Valadez began Pantry of Hope through First Baptist Church Laredo in 2016. Starting with a closet, the ministry opened the second Saturday of each month with food and clothing for families in the community to receive.

Texas Baptist Hunger Offering funds are used to purchase groceries for the pantry.

“It’s a blessing to have money come in that serves the community,” Valadez said.

Cows bring transformation for Macedonian communities

Mar 7, 2019

By Abby Hopkins

In rural, economically depressed communities in Macedonia, one cow can go a long way.

Macedonia Cow Bank is a Texas Baptist Hunger Offering supported ministry that aims to serve these communities by providing cows to local farmers and pastors. Jeff Lee, director of the organization, began the ministry when he was introduced to a local who wanted to farm.

“The purpose of the cow bank is to help other local farmers and pastors through loaning a cow to them so that they can help their own family, sell the milk, or give the milk/cheese/butter to the congregation,” Lee said.

Lee and other staff identify potential applicants, meet with them to ensure they will work and do the job, then provide a cow when the applicant is ready. Recipients then repay the loan by giving back the first calf.

Last year, a group of local pastors approached Lee and requested help. Macedonia Cow Bank gave the pastors six cows and have seen successful results. The pastors have started selling milk and have used profits for outreach in their communities.

Answering the call – Amarillo ministry provides resources for fostering families

Feb 4, 2019

By Abby Hopkins

A young, single woman decided last year to answer a calling on her heart she felt since a young age. She decided to become a foster parent. This “yes” brought four placements and many struggles over the course of eight short months. To ease the stresses and anxieties, Fostering Hope in Amarillo provided for Shelby’s needs.

Fostering Hope is a Texas Baptist Hunger Offering supported ministry that seeks to serve children, families, and foster care agencies by supporting and equipping them to better adjust to new placements and fostering hardships.

“Hunger Offering funds help meet the basic needs of the children who have been taken from their homes and the families who have been enlisted to provide for them,” said Trevor Brown, associate pastor at First Baptist Church in Amarillo. Fostering Hope is a ministry of First Baptist.

The church hosted a lunch more than three years ago with the purpose of engaging those who may be interested in foster care and adoption. David and Sydney Rieff, members of the church, felt a call to partner in the work, not through fostering themselves, but by equipping those who do. They launched Fostering Hope for this purpose.

When an agency goes out to place a child with a foster family, Brown said it usually happens quickly and unexpectedly, and the families are not always equipped. Fostering Hope’s Care Closet has everything the family may need, including furniture, clothes, toys, diapers, and more.

$7,070 raised to impact Peru and the world on #GivingTuesday

Dec 6, 2018

In one day, Texas Baptists provided 1,900 meals for marginalized students in Peru. And that’s just half of it.

Together, Texas Baptists raised $3,800 -- or 1,900 meals-- for Operación San Andrés this past Giving Tuesday. Even more, an additional $3,270 was raised for the Hunger Offering general fund. That’s a total of $7,070 to feed people in need, to support families breaking the cycle of poverty, and to show people the love of Christ. Amazing!

I cannot fully express my gratitude to everyone who participated. Your gifts impact the world -- one meal at a time.

Pass the plate this Thanksgiving season

Nov 16, 2018

Sometimes it’s hard to remember goodness when hatred and violence abound. Richard Foster’s words remind me of God’s true heart: “Our God is not made of stone. His heart is the most sensitive and tender of all. No act goes unnoticed, no matter how insignificant or small. A cup of cold water is enough to put tears in the eyes of God. God celebrates our feeble expressions of gratitude.”

Giving Tuesday, Nov. 27, is a day dedicated to these feeble expressions by giving back. Texas Baptist Hunger Offering donations that day will purchase meals for marginalized children at Operación San Andrés in Collique, Peru. The goal is to raise $10,000 for 5,000 meals.

I love the imagery of the Creator of the universe tearing up when a cup or plate passes from hand to hand -- with a smile, no doubt. It is like celebrating communion -- an act of worship and reverence for God. Heaven seems to meet earth in the simplest of places.

Hunger Offering partners with Peru ministry for #GivingTuesday 2018

Oct 30, 2018

By Abby Hopkins

On the desert side of the Andes Mountains sits a city with more than 100,000 residents who have migrated in search of better jobs and living conditions or an escape from domestic terrorism. Still, Collique, Peru, offers harsh living conditions, including low annual rainfall and mountainous terrain.

Operación San Andrés, a Hunger Offering-supported ministry, serves this community by caring for its children. It provides nutritious meals and educational enrichment consistently to children enrolled in its programs.

On Nov. 27, the Hunger Offering is partnering with Operación San Andrés and the Texas Baptist Mission Foundation for #GivingTuesday 2018. On that day, every donation given to the Hunger Offering will go directly toward OSA.

The goal is to raise $10,000, and we want you involved! One percent of donations will be used to feed children that might otherwise experience malnourishment. 

Houston ministry continues Harvey relief

Oct 8, 2018

By Abby Hopkins

Hurricane Harvey destroyed Jessie’s floor. Jessie is diabetic, in a walker, and without a family. One day, she heard a knock on her door, but had to drag herself across the floor to answer.

Mission Centers of Houston was there to repair her flooring, but found her with scratched, bloody legs and sent her to the emergency room. MCH executive director Jeff Chadwick said Jessie could have died, but the hospital amputated her leg, sending her home to find new carpet and freedom.

“When you do that for someone who thinks they’re the lowest, that makes all the difference,” Chadwick said.

Since Harvey, Union Baptist Association’s MCH has served families in northeast Houston through the NE Houston Disaster Recovery Network. This summer, MCH continued to receive and deploy teams to assist in the essential long-term recovery ministry.

Chadwick said MCH ramped up its food distribution, taking a box truck of food to those in need. The flooding affected more than 40,000 homes in northeast Houston alone.

“I’ve learned how God can provide in the most creative ways,” Chadwick said. “I’m getting to the point where I just know it’s coming.”

Building healthy and strong families in Peru

Sep 18, 2018

When Elizabeth Mejía Laguna first came to the Buckner Family Hope Center, a Texas Baptist Hunger Offering recipient, she was shy and kept to herself. She often stayed in her home and did not interact with her neighbors.

Hunger Offering ministry provides clean water, shares news of living water

Sep 13, 2018

By Abby Hopkins

Millions of people lack access to safe water in one country of sub-Saharan Africa. Within rural areas, many women and children walk more than three hours to collect water.

A married American couple recognized this need after several short-term trips to this African nation with their church and felt the Lord calling them to action.

“The need for water was the number one need constantly expressed by the people there,” said the husband, whom we need to keep anonymous.

They moved permanently to a rural part of the country to begin a ministry there. About half a million people reside in this area, with 90 percent not having access to clean water, he said.

The ministry conducts water projects in different communities, coordinating everything through local and national governments. So far, 15 water projects have been administered. The projects include water wells, WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) trainings and maintenance trainings for committee members of each community.

Rio Grande Valley ministry bridges education gap

Aug 14, 2018

Education is a valued process of growth and development in pivotal years of one’s life, yet it is not always accessible. As a new school year begins, many are unable to afford the costs of learning.

Bastrop food pantry models dependence on Lord’s provision

Aug 7, 2018

By Abby Hopkins

“Mom, we have a turkey for Thanksgiving!”

A young boy exclaimed this and looked at his mother in awe as he discovered his family would receive a turkey from ABC Primera Baptist Church Food Pantry.

Erika Guerrero, Primera’s missions chairperson, was able to hand the turkey to this family on her first day volunteering. Since then, she has joined the work and watched as God has provided turkeys every Thanksgiving, serving as a reminder of the purpose of the food pantry.

ABC Primera is a ministry that seeks to alleviate hunger by feeding the elderly, single parents, homeless, and ill in Bastrop and models a dependence on God for every need. The ministry is supported through the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering.

“We always have enough to pay; it always works out,” said Primera Pastor of Harold Welch. “We see that’s the hand of God.”


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