Missional Engagement

11 - 20 of 70 articles

The Pastor’s Common events provide resources, encouragement for emerging ministry leaders

by Bonnie Hirschfeld on October 6, 2023 in News

“Pastoring is not easy, and it’s even more difficult when it’s done alone. So, we want to improve the pastoral experience through connectivity and resourcing and providing a friend to them.”

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Students serve church plants through BOUNCE

by Caleb Bowman on August 10, 2023 in BOUNCE

Middle and high school students give a week of their summer vacation learning about and serving church plants through BOUNCE Student Church Planting.

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Texas Baptists celebrate 55 years of River Ministry

by Teresa Young on July 18, 2023 in Annual Meeting

Just miles from the border between Texas and Mexico, Texas Baptists gathered during the 2023 Texas Baptists Family Gathering to celebrate 55 years of River Ministry at the Missions Banquet.

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BOUNCE student missionaries rehabilitate homes, learn the value of missions over spring break

by Meredith Poe on March 20, 2023 in News

"We want them to look at people and have a Christ-like heart for others."

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2022 Missions Banquet looks towards sharing the gospel with ‘every nation, tribe and language’

by Bonnie Shaw on November 15, 2022 in Annual Meeting

“We’re not talking about statistics; we’re talking about names and faces of real people,”

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Pastor’s Common Rally provides space for collaboration, fellowship for young ministry leaders

by Bonnie Shaw on November 14, 2022 in Annual Meeting

The rally was a time of fellowship and worship for Millenial and Generation Z pastors and ministers and was held at a coffee shop in downtown Waco.

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Impacting the lives of migrants on the Texas and Mexico border

by Meredith Poe on November 4, 2022 in River Ministry

“Even though they’re entering the border, they’re also entering the Kingdom of God through this ministry.”

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Reaching across generations through new church start

by Bonnie Shaw on November 4, 2022 in Missional Engagement

“Our vision is for people to be revived and our mission is for people to rise,”

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Students share Christ and show love through BOUNCE summer missions in Lake Charles

by Bonnie Shaw on June 16, 2022 in News

I’m grateful because God still has servants that are willing to be used.

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Compartiendo el Carácter de Dios: Como el Pastor Luevano sirve a la comunidad de inmigrantes Hispanos en Houston

by Valeria Ramazzini on May 26, 2022 in Multi-Housing/House Churches

Houston, TX. Al sur de la ciudad, el Pastor Ernesto Luevano y su familia han dedicado sus vidas al servicio y testimonio de Cristo para satisfacer las necesidades de la comunidad hispana de inmigrantes en el área.

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