Learn about the work Texas Baptists en Español is doing to build relationships and provide resources for Hispanic churches across Texas.
The new Longhorn Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) building in Austin to dedicate the space to the Lord and celebrate the rich legacy of those who came before.
“He had a need, and this came through at the exact same time. It was such a God thing,”
While the chainsaws cut broken limbs, the volunteers lift spirits.
“Opportunities like this help us shift our focus off of ‘me’ and focus on things that really matter,”
“Coming out of Covid it's a perfect time for churches, youth ministries, churches in general to try new things."
“We have people coming through all morning, and they all keep saying ‘thank you.’ But we want our service to reflect, ‘no, thank you.’”
“While we wait for our circumstances to change, we can still pray for the women’s physical health and spiritual growth."
“En lo que esperamos que las cosas cambien, podemos seguir orando por la salud física y el crecimiento espiritual de estas mujeres."
The February 2021 Executive Board meeting was altered to accommodate weather-related emergencies from Winter Storms Uri and Violet. Despite this, committees were able to hold meetings across a weeklong period and passed three resolutions.