Stories of Impact

37 - 54 of 72 articles

Small-town church experiences big-time impact from minister health grant

Oct 24, 2023

Hernandez, who is not eligible to receive Social Security, lives off of his pension from working more than 20 years at the local school. While it can be difficult for pastors like Hernandez to make ends meet, Texas Baptists’ Center for Ministerial Health is providing some much-needed support.

“God is still calling”: Residency program at FBC Burleson helps young ministers discern call, be equipped for ministry

Oct 16, 2023

Hispanic Education Initiative, WinShape partnering to build disciple-makers

Sep 28, 2023

“By investing in these students, we are ministering, discipling, mentoring and developing leaders that will impact the generations that are coming behind them. Our churches do not need more members; our churches need more disciples of Jesus, and this is what this program is about: making disciples that make disciples.”

Wayland BSM sees salvations, recommitments during student orientation

Sep 7, 2023

“It was buzzing, it was loud, and the students were responding really well to the worship and the message,”

Preparing for the future and leaving a lasting impact through TBMF and FreeWill

Aug 30, 2023

“It was just so easy to use it, and they explained every aspect of it, so it wasn’t overwhelming. I didn’t feel like I had to wade through difficult legal terms,”

Camp Fusion brings together intercultural students from around Texas, sees salvations and rededications to Christ

Aug 25, 2023

“This is such a special place because we’re able to develop leaders through the local churches and lead them as they grow, first as campers, then as counselors and leaders.”

Students serve church plants through BOUNCE

Aug 10, 2023

Middle and high school students give a week of their summer vacation learning about and serving church plants through BOUNCE Student Church Planting.

FBC Buffalo uses PAVE strategies to grow attendance and baptisms

Aug 7, 2023

261 students challenged to be ‘messengers of good news’ this summer with Go Now Missions

May 30, 2023

"Pray that they’d be useful to the churches they serve, pray that they walk with God this summer and do His will.”

Congreso sends students out to “Illuminate” communities for Christ

Apr 20, 2023

93 students became believers in Christ Easter weekend at Congreso, one of the largest Hispanic youth evangelism conferences in the U.S.

Young man’s baptism showcases great joy and love

Apr 17, 2023

A special baptism evokes feelings of joy and a celebration of love for pastor, church and God.

Free van rides during spring break leads to gospel conversations and professions of faith by college students during Beach Reach

Mar 29, 2023

"May all these vans with funny names be filled up with passionate praise and gospel witness."

BOUNCE student missionaries rehabilitate homes, learn the value of missions over spring break

Mar 20, 2023

"We want them to look at people and have a Christ-like heart for others."

Students embark on a Spring Break mission to South Padre Island

Mar 3, 2023

“It’s a strategic moment in the college rhythm,”

Rural evangelism in a changing landscape

Mar 1, 2023

“A pastor in today’s world and ministry, you have to get out of your box, out of your office,”

First Baptist Devine sees new baptisms, focuses on celebrating salvations

Feb 21, 2023

“If God moves,...their water bill is going to go up – and that’s not a problem.”

New Baptist Student Ministry in Laredo sees salvation

Feb 14, 2023

"I’m so grateful I have the opportunity to feel this.”

Migrant ministry in El Paso sees salvations, provides physical necessities

Jan 17, 2023

“They were hungry to receive the Lord.”


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