Prayer Guide

Seven Weeks of Prayer Toward Pentecost

April 10-May 28, 2023


Engage Texas Baptists in a concerted prayer effort for God’s Kingdom to come in the work of Texas Baptists churches, institutions, associations and convention.


Pray the Lord’s Prayer over every aspect of Texas Baptists work, expecting God’s Kingdom to be established and to advance so God is glorified and His purposes are fulfilled.


Join the prayer effort in one or more of the following ways: As individuals or families in daily prayer; in weekend or midweek worship services or gatherings; in life groups, home groups or Bible study groups; with staff teams or prayer partners.

Week 1: April 10-15

His glory among the nations (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8)

Pray for His Kingdom to come so all the people groups of the earth will worship Him:

  • Pray for our MAP (missionary adoption program) as we partner in 14 countries

  • Pray for Bible translation for the 2,002 people groups who do not have the Bible in their heart language

  • Pray for Texas Baptists to have a vision for the nations

Week 2: April 16-22

The lost and lostness in Texas (Matthew 9:36-38)

Pray for His Kingdom to come in Texas so those who do not know Him will come to know Him:

  • Pray for the 5.5 million Texans (18% of the population) who identify as “nones” (no religious affiliation) to come to know Christ

  • Pray for your neighbors, coworkers, schoolmates and people around your church campus who do not know Jesus

  • Pray for the next generations to see a spiritual awakening and experience the power of Christ

Week 3: April 23-29

Texas Baptists churches and pastors, and the Texas Baptists’ Executive Director Search Committee (Acts 2:42-47; 16:5; 20:28)

Pray for His Kingdom to come in the 5,300 Texas Baptists churches:

  • Pray for the 2,700 Anglo, 1,200 Hispanic, 1,000 African American and 350 intercultural Texas Baptists churches to experience spiritual renewal

  • Pray for pastorless churches, for the spiritual renewal of pastors and for every church to baptize more new believers

  • Pray for the Texas Baptists Executive Director Search Committee that they find the person who will lead us into the next season of ministry

Week 4: April 30-May 6

Texas Baptists universities and seminaries (Matthew 7:24-29)

Pray for His Kingdom to come on the 10 Texas Baptists universities and three seminaries:

  • Pray for the 39,000 students enrolled so they will have the opportunity to become disciples of Jesus and make a kingdom difference in the world through their profession

  • Pray for the 4,146 students preparing for ministry at Truett, B.H. Carroll and Stark seminaries as well as in our universities

  • Pray Christ would be honored on campuses, classrooms and chapels and for institutions to enjoy religious liberty

Week 5: May 7-13

Texas Baptists human welfare institutions (Luke 9:2, 6)

Pray for His Kingdom to come through human welfare institutions comforting and ministering to the vulnerable and healing body, soul and spirit:

Week 6: May 14-20

Texas Baptists ministry centers and related ministries (Ephesians 4:11-16)

Pray for His Kingdom to come as the Texas Baptists ministry centers encourage, equip and resource churches to carry out the Great Commission and the Great Commandment:

  • Pray for the Center for Church Health as it helps the local church be healthy so God’s people may succeed in His mission of connecting the world to Jesus

  • Pray for the Center for Ministerial Health as it invests in Texas Baptists ministers to encourage them toward excellence so they can be their best to serve the Lord and His people.

  • Pray for the Center for Cultural Engagement as it seeks to bring people to God and community, building bridges between people groups, healing brokenness, confronting systemic evils and speaking truth to power

  • Pray for the Center for Missional Engagement as it engages our churches in corporate missions through strategic opportunities in Texas and around the world without duplicating the role of traditional mission-sending agencies

  • Pray for the Center for Collegiate Ministry as it reaches college students for Christ, strengthens Christian students through discipleship and apologetics and prepares future leaders

  • Pray for our ministry partners, such as Texas Baptist Men, Woman’s Missionary Union, Denison Ministries, the Baptist World Alliance, the local Baptist associations and the Baptist encampments in Texas as they shine the light of Jesus in the world with good words and good deeds

Week 7: May 21-27

Texas Baptists Family Gathering in McAllen on July 16-18 (Ephesians 2:13-22)

Pray for His Kingdom to come as Texas Baptists gather in McAllen to be the Household of God, celebrating our diversity and being encouraged toward God’s mission:

  • Pray that the Texas Baptists family will be well represented from churches across the state and from various backgrounds
  • Pray for the worship sessions and speakers and for the Holy Spirit to empower them and be present in our midst
  • Pray for the Texas Baptist family-at-large as well as the Hispanic Baptist Convention, African American Fellowship, Chinese Fellowship, Vietnamese Fellowship, Bivocational Pastors Fellowship and intercultural churches as they each celebrate their identities and as we share as one large family
  • Pray for those who will be doing service projects in the Rio Grande Valley and for people to come to know Christ
  • Pray for fresh vision for the convention as we move to the future

Pentecost Sunday: May 28

The nations in our state and the global Baptist family (Revelation 7:9-10)

Pray for His Kingdom to come as Texas Baptists reach the nations that have come to our state and as we take our rightful place in the global Baptist family:

  • Pray for the 164 language groups that call Texas home so they will all have access to the gospel through our words and deeds

  • Pray for Texas Baptists churches and institutions to extend their ministries to the 40.2 % Hispanics; 39.3% Anglos; 11.6% Blacks/African Americans; 5.1% Asians and 3.7% others in our state’s growing population

  • Pray for Baptists around the world, some of whom are persecuted, so we can remain faithful to Christ and fulfill the Great Commission as we anticipate the 2,000 year anniversary of Jesus’ resurrection in the year 2033