Monday, November 11, 2024

Workshops Session #1 | 8:30 AM

All Hands on Deck

Presented by Tom Howe, Director, Church Starting, Center for Missional Engagement, Texas Baptists

Your church can play a vital role in advancing the Kingdom. It takes all of us. Discover practical ways to be a part of Church Starting.

40 Días de Pasión "Que Venga Tu Reino"

Presented by Toby Snowden, Senior Pastor, High Pointe Cedar Hill / Rolando Rodriguez, Director, Texas Baptists en Español, Texas Baptists

Venga tu reino está diseñado para promover la preparación y renovación espiritual. Dios no cambia. Toda nuestra adoración es una respuesta a Dios y a lo que Dios ha hecho. Descubre Cuarenta Días de Pasión: Venga Tu Reino como una manera de adorar a Dios diariamente.

Principles for Growing Your Healthy Church to the Next Level

Presented by Jonathan L. Smith, Director, Church Health and Growth, Texas Baptists

Discover six strategies necessary for every growing church.

Kingdom Giving

Presented by Jerry Carlisle, President, Texas Baptist Missions Foundation/ Ward Hayes, CFO/Treasurer; Texas Baptists

A Biblical perspective on God's provision for His Kingdom purposes and practical methods for connecting God's mission and your legacy.

What Does the Bible Say About Our Identity?

Presented by Mark Turman, Vice President, Denison Ministries

Learn how to respond to cultural questions about identity with biblical responses.

What is Real? Ethical AI Practices for Ministry Leaders

Presented by Katie Fruge, Director, Center for Cultural Engagement, Texas Baptists

A consideration of both the ethical challenges and opportunities of artificial and principles for ministry leaders to consider when using AI.

Engaging Gen Z with the Gospel

Presented by Manny Silva, College Pastor at Renew Church, Waco; Megan Trotter, BSM Director, Tarleton State University, Stephenville

Understand the cultural and social landscape of Gen Z. Identify key values and concerns of Gen Z. Learn effective communication strategies tailored to Gen Z. Explore practical approaches to discipleship and spiritual mentoring along with actionable plans for engaging Gen Z.

Workshops Session #2 | 1:30 PM

Boots on the Ground

Presented by Noe Trevino, Director, Center for Missional Engagement; Tom Howe, Associate Director; Mario Alberto Gonzalez, Director, River Ministry/Mexico Missions; Center for Missional Engagement, Texas Baptists

Discover how to practically connect TXB Churches directly to missional partners in Texas, North America, and the world.

40 Days of Passion “Your Kingdom Come” (Bilingual)

Presented by Toby Snowden, Senior Pastor, High Pointe Cedar Hill / Rolando Rodriguez, Director, Texas Baptists en Español, Texas Baptists

Your Kingdom Come is designed to promote spiritual preparation and renewal. God does not change. All of our worship is a response to God and what God has done. Discover Forty Days of Passion: Your Kingdom Come as a way to worship God daily.

Circle the Wagons

Presented by James "Mac" McLeod, Western Heritage Consultant, Texas Baptists

"Circle the Wagons" introduces church leaders and volunteers to a journey in excellence with almighty God, while navigating and overcoming plateaued and declining situations!

Funding Ministry through Vision 

Presented by Cal Todd, VisionBridge Consulting/ Jeremy Malick, Vision Funding Lead Consultant; Texas Baptists Architecture Consultants

Funding ministry is extremely challenging, whether an existing church or a church plant, each campaign must align with your specific church’s needs in mind. Successful campaigns target discipleship, heart transformation, and are saturated in prayer, that allows opportunity for the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts and lives of people of His choosing. 

Housing Allowance, Social Security, Income and Retirement Planning

Presented by Keely Rule, Vice President of Sales; Guardian Financial

Income and Retirement Planning including Housing Allowance etc.

A Kingdom Approach To Social Outreach

Presented by Charles Wolford, CEO, Union Gospel Mission, Fort Worth/Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, Urban Alternative Trainer

A Kingdom Approach to social outreach is designed to equip churches to implement quality social services, grounded in Biblical principles for public school youth and families along with vital components that make up a strong, viable organization such as board and staff structure, administrative and fiscal management, program implementation and evaluation, as well as fund development and marketing.

Striving for Sexual Purity in a Digital Age

Presented by David Earl Sanchez, Director of Ethics & Justice, Christian Life Commission, Texas Baptists

How the battle against pornography has changed? Are we keeping up well? What tools and resources can help equip our churches?

Workshops Session #3 | 2:45 PM

Confident Evangelism

Presented by Gary Stidham, Director of Training, Collegiate Ministry; Eric Hernandez, Apologetics Lead and Millennial Specialist, Center for Church Health; Texas Baptists

Whether you’re talking to a skeptical nonbeliever or an open heart ready to accept the Gospel, anyone can learn to be an effective witness for Christ.

Cinco Claves Para el Crecimiento del Reino

Presented by Toby Snowden, Senior Pastor, High Pointe Cedar Hill / Rolando Rodriguez, Director, Texas Baptists en Español, Texas Baptists

De la misma manera Jesus en la Gran Comisión nos dio la llave para el crecimiento del reino. El énfasis no es el crecimiento de la Iglesia local sino el crecimiento del Reino de Dios por medio de Ganar Almas, Hacer Discípulos, Desarrollar Líderes, Enviar Misioneros, y Plantar Iglesias.

Pave Preview and Panel

Presented by Jonathan L. Smith, Director, Church Health and Growth, Texas Baptists

85% of Pave churches are experiencing revitalization progress in only one year. Learn the principles and processes of Pave that have led Texas Baptist churches to be revitalized and hear from pastors who are seeing growth occur in their churches through Pave.

Funding Ministry through Vision 

Presented by Cal Todd, VisionBridge Consulting/ Jeremy Malick, Vision Funding Lead Consultant; Texas Baptists Architecture Consultants

Funding ministry is extremely challenging, whether an existing church or a church plant, each campaign must align with your specific church’s needs in mind. Successful campaigns target discipleship, heart transformation, and are saturated in prayer, that allows opportunity for the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts and lives of people of His choosing. 

Finding your Lens for Kingdom Crossing Cultures Relationships

Presented by Mark Heavener, Director, Intercultural Ministries, Texas Baptists

Having the heart to do no harm, lens to see God’s Kingdom through other cultures eyes. Leads us to celebrate God’s kingdom right now.

Building a Church Strategy for 2033

Presented by Kyle Henderson, Director, Strategic Planning, Baptist World Alliance

Presentation of the Baptist World Alliance's global strategic plan. Examples of churches that have adopted these plans and are seeing growth.

Ministering to Those Who Struggle with LGBTQ+ Related Issues

Presented by David Earl Sanchez, Director of Ethics & Justice, Christian Life Commission, Texas Baptists

To provide ministers and lay people with biblically-based principles, tools, and resources to help those who struggle with same-sex attraction / gender identity issues.

Workshops Session #4 | 4:00 PM

Why Pastors are Terminated and What You Can Do About It

Presented by Deanna Harrison, Executive Director, Pastors' Hope Network

We will empower participants to identify the secret process church leadership uses to force a minister out and provide practical steps to counteract the process.

Cinco Claves Para el Crecimiento del Reino

Presented by Toby Snowden, Senior Pastor, High Pointe Cedar Hill / Rolando Rodriguez, Director, Texas Baptists en Español, Texas Baptists

De la misma manera Jesus en la Gran Comisión nos dio la llave para el crecimiento del reino. El énfasis no es el crecimiento de la Iglesia local sino el crecimiento del Reino de Dios por medio de Ganar Almas, Hacer Discípulos, Desarrollar Líderes, Enviar Misioneros, y Plantar Iglesias.

Pave Preview and Panel

Presented by Jonathan L. Smith, Director, Church Health and Growth, Texas Baptists

85% of Pave churches are experiencing revitalization progress in only one year. Learn the principles and processes of Pave that have led Texas Baptist churches to be revitalized and hear from pastors who are seeing growth occur in their churches through Pave.

Giving Strategies for Kingdom Advancement

Presented by Joe Hancock, Vice President and General Counsel / Katie Warren, Director, Philanthropic Engagement & Strategy, HighGround Advisors

An in-depth look at donor-advised funds and other charitable giving strategies, within the context of biblical stewardship and generosity.

Resilient, Finishing Life and Ministry Well

Presented by Kevin Abbott, Director, Pastoral Health Networks/ Area 5 Representative, Texas Baptists

We'll introduce the “Five most important Habits of Leaders Who Finish Well" as well as share exciting future opportunities beginning in 2025 to learn and experience these essential leadership habits in cohorts throughout Texas.

What is Real? Ethical AI Practices for Ministry Leaders

Presented by Katie Fruge, Director, Center for Cultural Engagement, Texas Baptists

A consideration of both the ethical challenges and opportunities of artificial and principles for ministry leaders to consider when using AI.

The Future of Disciple-Making

Presented by Tamiko Jones, Executive Director-Treasurer, WMU of Texas

Have you ever wondered how to engage your family, friends, or church in disciple-making? Look to the future with WMU of Texas as we share new and creative ideas for impacting future generations with the gospel.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Workshops Session #5 | 8:30 AM

Missions as Discipleship

Presented by Mickey Osborne, Discipleship & Outreach Coordinator, Texans on Missions (TBM)

What is the best way to encourage growing disciples of Christ? Put their faith into action through missions. Missions and discipleship grow together.

Housing Allowance, Social Security, Income and Retirement Planning

Presented by Keely Rule, Vice President of Sales; Guardian Financial

Income and Retirement Planning including Housing Allowance etc.

Breaking News: Baptism is Evangelistic

Presented by Jonathan L. Smith, Director, Church Health and Growth, Texas Baptists

Baptism is one of the best evangelistic tools for your church. Nothing increases the psychology of your congregation like celebrating baptism.

Connecting God's Mission and Your Legacy

Presented by Jerry Carlisle, President, Texas Baptist Missions Foundation

Discover opportunities to grow the generosity of your congregation, both now and for the future

Breaking Down Walls and Building Bridges: Crossing the Cultural Chasm

Presented by Carlos Francis, Director of African American Ministries, Center for Cultural Engagement, Texas Baptists; Victor Rodriguez, Evangelism Associate/Discipleship Specialist, Hispanic Evangelism, Center for Church Health, Texas Baptists

The Great Commission by implication forces us to engage people of different cultures. What are some tools and techniques that can help break down cultural barriers and help bridge the culture gap?

Tools & Techniques For Kingdom Preaching

Presented by Delvin Atchison, Senior Pastor, Westside Baptist Church, Lewisville

Pastors and Teachers will develop sermons and lessons through a Kingdom lens using Kingdom Parables and scriptures.

Gen Z & Biblical Sexuality: Eight Tips for Discipleship

Presented by Gary Stidham, Director of Training, Collegiate Ministry, Texas Baptists

Powerful forces work to indoctrinate students with dangerous ideologies about marriage, sexuality and gender. Young Christians want and need holistic, Biblical truth on these topics. We'll share insights from 25 years of collegiate ministry that will help you make disciples and address these issues with clarity.