Student Disaster Recovery and Student Church Planting

Child Protection Training and Certification

Training Certificate Information

  • All Adult Sponsors and participants 18 years of age and older are required to take the MinistrySafe Sexual Abuse Awareness Training.
  • After watching the online training, a quiz is administered. A minimum score of 70 is required. After taking the test, you will receive a *Certificate of Completion from the course. Save a copy for your records and print a copy to bring with you to BOUNCE Staff upon arrival at your BOUNCE Mission.
  • The Ministry Safe training certificate is valid for two years and can be used to satisfy the child protection training requirement the following year.


  • Once you have registered for a BOUNCE Mission and have paid your initial deposit, you will be sent a link to sign up for your MinistrySafe Training.
  • You will be asked to enter the email address for all your adult sponsors and participants who are or will be 18 years of age and older upon the start of the mission trip. This is not for participants younger than 18.
  • Each person with email addresses entered will receive an email with their own, personal MinistrySafe link to the video training and test. The links in each email cannot be shared between members or their data will be lost. Each person needs to click the link in their own email to watch the videos and complete their test. Two individuals may NOT share an email address, but each need their own individual email address.

Deadlines for completing MinistrySafe:

  • June Missions: May 1
  • July Missions: June 1
Questions or problems?

Leah McMullen
Missional Church/Community Ministry Specialist, Center for Missional Engagement

(214) 828-5294

*Certificates of Completion must be turned in to BOUNCE Staff upon arrival at your BOUNCE Mission in or outside of Texas.