Church Budgeting and Finances

Church Administration

Texas Baptists Church Administration exists to help church leaders be faithful stewards of church resources. Resources on church budgeting and finances, personnel, bylaws, risk management, and many more are located on our Church Administration resources page.

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There are several scholarships that Texas Baptists offers for students to assist with the cost of higher education.

Counseling Services

Finances can cause stress on ministers and their families. Texas Baptists Counseling Services provides counseling resources for ministers and their families (financial assistance is available for BGCT affiliated ministers).

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Healthcare coverage can help protect you from high, unexpected healthcare costs. In our survey of pastors, healthcare costs were identified as one of the top three financial challenges facing pastors.

Guidestone® Health Care Plans

Public Resources

The state and federal government offer programs for a variety of situations, from helping supplement low-income families to purchasing your first home. You can call 2-1-1 and they can connect you with the services you need or visit

Take Ten Panel Discussion - An Honest Look at Bivocational Ministry

Our Financial Health team has partnered with our Bivocational Ministry in this video series to help pastors that may be considering bivocational work gain a better understanding of the unique challenges, benefits, and helpful disciplines that make bivocactional work successful and sustainable. Bivocational work is a valid and oftentimes overlooked option for pastors whose churches are unable to pay them a living wage. These videos help to bring to light what the transition to bivocational work looks like and how it can be a blessing to the church, the pastor, and the community.