There are many ways to start a church. We recommend the organic model for church planting. This is a natural model comprising a simple way to work as a church without the complications of a full system of programs. Here you can find any information on starting churches in homes, work areas, parks, restaurants, etc.
Interested in what an organic church is or how to start one? To learn more, click below to download our presentation.
Can God Use You to Start a Multi-housing Church?
Consider yourself as a possible multi-housing church planter.
Prayerwalking to Birth an Apartment Church
A prayerwalker experience shows how simply it can happen.
What Does a Multi-housing Church Look Like?
A multi-housing church is much less organized than a sponsor church, but it still has all the basics of church life.
Entrusting the vast unreached multi-housing populations to the heart and hands of the local church!
Multi-housing Missionaries and Pastors Mentors
Pastors, or their designated trainer, can equip a growing Christian to reach multi-housing residents.
A Life-Changing Church “Possibility” Story
This one-minute “word picture” captures the essence of a cost-free multi-housing congregation.
You Have What it Takes
Your already have the ministry experience to help a layperson get started in a multi-housing church plant.