We exist to assist churches during the period between pastors. Initial consulting about the interim period, referrals for pulpit supply and interim preachers, Intentional Interim Ministry presentations and pastor search committee training are all available. In addition, this team also equips ministers for Interim Ministry through specialized training, continuing education and professional networking.
Today, we do not follow your fathers’ pastor search committee method, much has changed. Even if you have experienced search committee team members in your church please consider specialized training for your team. We can provide:
We also have an array of documents for you to use as a guide - these are a summary of materials written about the search committee process and based on experiences and insights gained from church search committees, which have been through the process. Each church is responsible for its own procedures under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
You are free to copy this material for the use of your committee. Permission is not given to reproduce any portion of this guidebook for sale.
Aaron Summers
Coordinator of Pastorless Churches, Center for Ministerial Health