1 in 6 Texas high school students reported having experienced sexual abuse in their lifetime.

Alarmingly, more children are impacted by sexual abuse than childhood cancer, which impacts 1 in 285 children before their 20th birthday.


7x Faster Growth

By 2050, the Texas child population is expected to grow 7 times faster than the national child population. Unless measures are taken to protect children, as the child population grows, so will occurrences of child sexual abuse.


10% of the country’s children live in Texas.

Ending child sexual abuse in Texas will inevitably translate to other states, ultimately improving outcomes for children across the country.


3 out of 5 children never disclose sexual abuse.

Three out of five children never tell someone that they have been sexually abused. Most children are unlikely to disclose sexual abuse to an adult, and a low percentage of all incidents are ultimately reported to authorities.


Statistics taken from: https://cactx.org/ending-child-sexual-abuse/