Committed to Share the Gospel with All

Adult Discipleship


As we continue to make and grow disciples, we must be intentional and authentic in order to spread the Good News to all nations, just as Jesus has commissioned us in Matthew 28:19-20. 

Even though the challenges of this 21st century make it harder and harder to share the Good News, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has promised not to leave us or forsake us and to be with us until the end.  In the meantime, we must continue to know Christ better through the reading of His Word and as we learn, share and help others to do the same. 

As I personally reflect back on how I was discipled in the early 80s, I see the godly men and women that God allowed in my life to spend time with me as a new believer. Now as I get older, I see that my witness must be one where I intentionally spend time together with those that need the Lord in their lives.

Some of the practical steps that I have learned recently in making disciples are to befriend them, listen more instead of controlling the conversation, reading the Word of God together and, finally, allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us what we just read by applying it to each of our daily lives. 

The opportunities that I am privileged to have as a Tyson Foods Chaplain are many.  Even though my main task is to help new employees (Team Members) to get assimilated in their new jobs and not to proselytize or evangelize, I am challenged to build trust among them, and then as personal needs are shared, I share how I have faced similar needs in my life. 

The workforce at the Tyson Foods plant is so diverse that I am challenged not only to be a better listener but also to provide suggestions and ideas on how to face their immediate personal, family and work-related challenges.  58% of the team members are Hispanic with mainly catholic backgrounds, 20% are Caucasian with diverse belief systems, 10% African American with mainly evangelical beliefs and the remaining 12% are Muslims, Buddhists and a few atheists. This is one of the main reasons I am still willing to go work at Tyson Foods and face the daily outward opportunities I have to be the feet and hands of Jesus to the 650+ team members.

by Jose Careño, Education Pastor, The Fellowship at Northside Baytown on July 10, 2024
