Articles from May 2019

1 - 7 of 7 articles

MAP Stories: Timoteo Cortes Ruiz

by Guest Author on May 28, 2019 in MAP Stories

I have learned that in His work, we can do what we can, and He takes care of that which is impossible for us.

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Two hundred thirty-two Go Now student missionaries commissioned for summer missions

by Texas Baptists Communications on May 28, 2019 in News

Go Now Missions student missionaries and their families gathered together on Sunday, May 19, at Dallas Baptist University for the Go Now Missions Commissioning Service.

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Executive Board emphasizes the importance of safeguards at May meeting

by Kalie Lowrie on May 21, 2019 in News

During the Texas Baptists Executive Board meeting May 20-21, outside experts, as well as convention leadership, staff, and officers repeatedly emphasized the importance of safeguards to protect those at church.

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Texas schools on track to receive financial infusion

by Guest Author on May 9, 2019 in CLC

By Girien Salazar

One of the top bipartisan legislative priorities, this session, has been improving the Texas public school system by increasing funding. As we approach the end of the session, Texas public schools are on track to receive a major financial investment. While both parties agree on the need to increase school funding, there are still many differences to work out between what the House and Senate want to see in the school finance bill.

Currently, HB 3 is in conference committee where select members will work together to hash out the differences between the House and Senate version of the bill. Texas voters still have the opportunity to encourage their elected officials to support an equitable school finance system.

More than 90 percent of Texas school children will attend Texas public schools. Increasing quality and funding for public schools is critical to having a highly skilled workforce and building a healthy Texas economy.

HB 3 would increase the basic per-pupil allotment for all school districts (from $5,140 to $5,880), which will inject $9 billion dollars into the school finance system. Texas needs a school finance system that propels students out of poverty and helps all students reach their full potential.

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Relaunched BSM work in Laredo unites students and churches to reach TAMIU campus

by Kalie Lowrie on May 8, 2019 in News

This did not happen overnight but was a result of years of praying and the Holy Spirit’s prompting in the lives of many individuals and churches in Laredo.

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Texas Baptists to honor Grant Teaff and Isaac Torres with Legacy Awards

by Kalie Lowrie on May 7, 2019 in News

On Sunday, June 2, Texas Baptists will present the 2019 Texas Baptists Legacy Awards to Grant Teaff, executive director emeritus of the American Football Coaches Association, and Isaac Torres, preacher, evangelist and Texas Baptists leader.

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by Kathryn Freeman on May 6, 2019 in

El final de la sesión legislativa está a la vista y, aunque aún hay tiempo, los días se van haciendo más largos y la posibilidad de que los proyectos de ley reciban el visto bueno de los comités son más pequeñas. El siguiente es un resumen de algunos de las prioridades en los proyectos de ley de la Comisión de Vida Cristiana (CLC), en qué lugar del proceso se encuentran y cómo usted puede ayudar a que lleguen a la meta final.


De acuerdo con la Coalición de Justicia Criminal de Texas, el número de mujeres en las prisiones de Texas ha crecido cerca del 1,000 por ciento desde 1980 (más de dos veces del porcentaje de los hombres). La vasta mayoría son madres. Texas es el Estado con el mayor número de mujeres encarceladas y, sin embargo, debido a que las mujeres constituyen tan solo una pequeña porción del total de la población encarcelada, sus necesidades son en su mayoría ignoradas o no se satisfacen. Como parte de la Coalición Texas Smart on Crime, el CLC ha trabajado en esta sesión abordando el asunto de la dignidad de las mujeres encarceladas en Texas.

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