Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) participants from the University of North Texas (UNT), Texas Woman’s University (TWU) and Tyler Junior College (TJC) spent their Spring Break evangelizing and teaching evangelism on six different Nashville, Tennessee college campuses. They shared the Gospel with 184 people and saw 10 new believers accept Christ.
It’s been a year and a half since Hurricane Harvey pummeled through South Texas. Damage lingers and volunteers are still needed to continue restoration. That is why this year’s Spring Break BOUNCE Student Disaster Recovery volunteers focused recovery efforts in the affected area.
The Center for Ministerial Excellence provides financial assistance, resources and encouragement to ministers facing financial hardships.
Pastors are always surrounded by people; whether they are preaching a sermon to a full church on Sunday, attending crowded prayer meetings or ministering to the hurting. Yet crowds of people don’t necessarily bring connection. And isolation can be a serious reality for the person behind the pulpit.
"We aren't just the first campus ministry there, we are the first student organization to be on that campus, as well."
As many gather with loved ones this Christmas season, Texas Baptists remember those who may be in need. Refugees are one group of people who often struggle in America.
The Texas Baptists were awarded “Highest Number of Baptisms” in the country for the third year in a row by the North American Missions Board for the 2017 calendar year. The recorded number of baptisms was 25,451.
Usually, the person with a birthday receives presents. But when New Hope First Baptist Church in Cedar Park turned 150 years old, they decided to do things a little differently.
The Texas Baptists Singing Men of Texas (SMOT) took a trip to New York last month with 310 participants to spread the Gospel and perform in concert at Carnegie Hall alongside contemporary Christian artist Steve Green.
Texas Baptist Missions Foundation Council broke a record this year, giving more funds to help churches and support Texas Baptists missions and ministries for 2019 than ever before.